ISRAEL AND AMERICA HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM: According to physicist and writer James Miller, Israel’s demographic Waterloo is rapidly approaching: Jews will become a minority in the Zionist state by 2016. As Miller notes, ‘Arab-Israelis have 3.1 times the birthrate of Jewish-Israelis. It’s just a matter of time before the so-called “Jewish State” is no more.’ Israeli Jews who see this peril are willing to give up territory to have a more ethnically pure state and assure their survival … Read the rest of this article
Tag Archives: Zionism
UAE Paper Discusses White Decline
UAE PAPER DISCUSSES WHITE DECLINE: The Khaleej Times is an English-language daily published in the United Arab Emirates. Yesterday it published an opinion piece by the prolific ethnically-Jewish Muslim convert Karin Friedemann which gives Professor Kevin MacDonald and Tom Sunic of the Occidental Quarterly some friendly ink. She criticizes Jews for the Bolshevik and other massacres, and also gives some credence to anti-White conspiracy theorizing, as might be fitting for someone associated with the “Green Rainbow Party.”
Ultimately, she blames … Read the rest of this article
Benjamin Freedman Article Creates Interest
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHEN I PUBLISHED an updated and annotated version of Benjamin Freedman’s speech “A Jewish Defector Warns America” a few weeks ago, it generated many hits, links, and comments. Thanks to those who wrote about the improved audio quality over previous incarnations of the sound file (and yes, I do know that there are still a few skips that I couldn’t correct), and also to those who sent in thoughtful remarks about Freedman’s ideas and my criticism … Read the rest of this article
A Jewish Defector Warns America
Benjamin Freedman’s warning is one of the most important documents of the 20th century.
by Benjamin H. Freedman
listen to the speech (43 minutes; mp3)
Introductory Note:
Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company.
He broke with organized Jewry after World War II, and … Read the rest of this article
Dissident Defense
DISSIDENT DEFENSE: I’d like to express my gratitude today for the support of the Dissident Defence Network (DDN), which has just published information on my case. This is a new organization dedicated to establishing a support and contact network for persecuted “thought criminals” and whistleblowers of many different backgrounds, nationalities, and political views.
They say “Look at us as the Amnesty International for dissidents and critics of the New World Order system.” Amnesty International is corrupt, according to DDN, … Read the rest of this article
Robin de Ruiter: Banned in France
Author’s conspiracy book banned in France
by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAVING BEEN THROUGH (and ultimately rejected) the “right wing” and conservative movements early in my life, I have seen a great many books purporting to expose political or financial conspiracies. Quite a few are worthless. A significant number of these are so ludicrous as to actually serve the cause of those they ostensibly criticize, who may indeed covertly finance the nuttier tomes. A few are indispensable. Many also fall into … Read the rest of this article
The Anthrax Attacks
ANTHRAX ATTACKS WORTHY OF STUDY: With Rahm Israel Emanuel, son of a member of the violent terrorist group Irgun, now the actual ruler of the United States (with “anti-war” Obama as a figurehead), expect to see a continuation of the Zionist wars in the Middle East, with some withdrawals from already-destroyed Iraq as a cover. One distinct possibility is an engineered or covertly encouraged “terror incident” to stampede ignorant Americans into supporting a new war, this time against … Read the rest of this article
Support for Israel mandatory
SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL MANDATORY: According to the Yeshiva University Commentator (which parses Barack Hussein Fetchit’s statements on the Middle East in Talmudic detail), pro-Zionism is for all practical purposes required for all candidates in the US these days, declaring that they all “will declare their undying support for the State of Israel.”… Read the rest of this article
Guilt By Association
by Kevin Alfred Strom
A NEW BOOK has just come out which says many of the same things that European and American racial-nationalists have been saying about the Middle East for decades — but this time it comes from someone inside the establishment, and it’s sure to shake up what is left of an independent intellectual class in the US. It’s entitled Guilt By Association and the author is Jeff Gates, who, according to his online biography, “served seven years … Read the rest of this article