Tag Archives: Social Credit

How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3

American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 30, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE CONCLUDE our story of Salvation Island with “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 3” (here are part 1 and part 2).

The shipwrecked men of the island thought they were lucky when Abraham Glucksterlingmann washed up on the shore and offered to “help the economy” there by creating a money system for them. It was all supposedly based on the gold Abe held … Read the rest of this article

Money, Money, Money


American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 10, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

MONEY IS THE MEANS by which we are enslaved. But not one man in 1,000 knows how it is done. Today I am going to tell you.

There are many half-truths being vended on this topic in the so-called “patriot movement” and conservative and libertarian movements these days.

Conservatives and libertarians bewail the fact that the government spends more than it takes in — and then bridges … Read the rest of this article