Tag Archives: racism

James Watson and The Economist magazine

by Kevin Alfred Strom

(sent to the Economist last November 10th but not published)

SIR:  THE AUTHOR of ‘The Nature of Nurture‘ deserves to be fired on the grounds of scientific illiteracy and an egregious lack of journalistic integrity.

He unjustifiably insults James Watson (pictured), the co-discoverer of the DNA double helix, as ‘stupid’ for making the incontrovertibly true assertion that the average intelligence level of Africans differs from that of Europeans. Decades of scientific tests confirm that … Read the rest of this article

My Political Education

kas_Kevin_Alfred_Strom_000121by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
American Dissident Voices program of June 19, 1993

I WAS BORN on a Summer morning in 1956, in Anchorage, Territory of Alaska. My parents had moved to Alaska some five years earlier, shortly after they were married, since that was where my father, an Air Force Master Sergeant, was assigned. I was my parent’s first child.

Both my father and mother were of Norwegian descent, hard-working farm kids from Minnesota born during the Depression. They … Read the rest of this article

The Piranhas, the Birds, and the ‘Liberal’

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY if a Liberal “social scientist” told you to jump into a pool filled with five hundred ravenous piranhas?

If you valued your life, you’d certainly refuse the invitation.

But what if the Liberal “social scientist” tried to convince you to go ahead and jump in, with the argument that “not all of the piranhas are aggressive. Some of them probably just want to make friends with you, and really aren’t hungry either. … Read the rest of this article

The Beast as Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King

Even his name is a fake.by Kevin Alfred Strom (the text of a speech given by Mr. Strom in 1994 on the nationwide radio program, American Dissident Voices)

WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny. But even more insidious than the theft of the people’s weapons was the theft of their history. Official Communist “historians” rewrote history to fit … Read the rest of this article