Disused steel mills can be seen in the background of this recent photograph of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where a once-solid White majority is now visibly declining, and where a well-funded NGO wants to bring in Afghan “refugees.”
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 January, 2022
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHAT ARE THE CHANCES, really? That two reports of shooting incidents — that both took place this week, within one day of each other — and both of which took … Read the rest of this article
American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 24, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAZLETON, Pennsylvania is dying.
A faintly Black journalist for NPR, Michele Norris, just wrote a piece for the April issue of National Geographic magazine about it, and Tucker Carlson and other journalists have taken note. It’s an amazingly balanced essay (balanced, that is, for the Jewish-run Geographic) — it actually documents White replacement — but I didn’t need Norris or editor Susan Goldberg to tell … Read the rest of this article