JESSE VENTURA ASKS UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS: Former Governor Ventura has managed to ask the obvious questions on the subject of U.S. government torture — questions that should have been asked a long time ago: “If waterboarding is okay, why don’t we let our police do it to suspects to learn what they know?… If waterboarding is okay, why didn’t we waterboard McVeigh and Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved?… We only seem to … Read the rest of this article
Tag Archives: Muslims
UAE Paper Discusses White Decline
UAE PAPER DISCUSSES WHITE DECLINE: The Khaleej Times is an English-language daily published in the United Arab Emirates. Yesterday it published an opinion piece by the prolific ethnically-Jewish Muslim convert Karin Friedemann which gives Professor Kevin MacDonald and Tom Sunic of the Occidental Quarterly some friendly ink. She criticizes Jews for the Bolshevik and other massacres, and also gives some credence to anti-White conspiracy theorizing, as might be fitting for someone associated with the “Green Rainbow Party.”
Ultimately, she blames … Read the rest of this article