Tag Archives: multiracialism

Conservatism: Witness the Witless


American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 30, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WITNESS THE WITLESS call of the White American conservative:

“Eugenics is an elitist plot to exterminate the Black race.”

“Abortion should be opposed because it is drastically limiting the number of Black births.”

“Martin Luther King was a Republican.”

“Democrats are the real racists. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican.”

“Black people and Latinos and Muslims need sound money and the Constitution … Read the rest of this article

Falling Apart

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 23, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS WILLIAM PIERCE warned you in 1970, and as I’ve been warning you for decades, multiracial societies are not healthy societies. They inevitably rend themselves to bloody pieces, killing and torturing uncounted innocents along the way. The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri prove my point. It’s about time we heeded the warnings that the National Alliance — and Nature — are giving us, or our children will Read the rest of this article

The Cost


American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 7, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HOW MUCH has it cost us to become subservient to the Jewish power structure? How much has it cost us to open our borders and embrace multiracialism, which we did largely at their insistence? How much has it cost us to see our once-shining cities gutted and turned into filthy ghettos? How much has it cost us to support the Jewish state of Israel? How much has … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 2

Racial self-determination is the sane way to organize societies; multiracialism is an irrational quasi-religion and is extremely dangerous.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT IS A MULTIRACIALIST? He’s crazy — I told you that in my last installment. And he’s genocidal. Multiracialists believe that we should incorporate many races into our society, all under one government. Let’s take a brief look at just how crazy that is.

On New Year’s Day, 2006, in broad daylight in an old, established neighborhood … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 1

by Kevin Alfred Strom

CRAZY PEOPLE say some really funny things, if you like absurd humor. A crazy person may believe that locomotives are actually made out of marshmallows. Or he may think that the only reason we can’t drink bleach without harmful effects is because we haven’t prayed to the right deity in precisely the right manner. And some lunatics are quite intelligent in their way, and may be able to produce creative and internally consistent arguments at some … Read the rest of this article

Gandhi, Obama, and Race

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK Google replaced their normal search page graphic with one depicting Mohandas K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma (Sanskrit for “Great Soul”) Gandhi, in recognition of his birthday, which is now celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence. Gandhi’s movement of civil disobedience was a significant factor in India’s successful quest for self-determination and the ultimate withdrawal of Britain from the Indian subcontinent.

Barack Obama praised Gandhi on Friday, saying “Gandhi’s teachings and ideals, shared … Read the rest of this article

Beauty, Art, and Race

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 2, 2004)

TODAY I’VE BEEN READING a book entitled Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment. The book is very rare today. It was published in 1920, during that hopeful time when a strong and mostly-healthy America was awakening to the scientific truths about race and the infinite possibilities of racial progress. Knight Dunlap, the author, was a professor of experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and a … Read the rest of this article

The Piranhas, the Birds, and the ‘Liberal’

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT WOULD YOU SAY if a Liberal “social scientist” told you to jump into a pool filled with five hundred ravenous piranhas?

If you valued your life, you’d certainly refuse the invitation.

But what if the Liberal “social scientist” tried to convince you to go ahead and jump in, with the argument that “not all of the piranhas are aggressive. Some of them probably just want to make friends with you, and really aren’t hungry either. … Read the rest of this article