Tag Archives: media

The Horror!

Jonathan_Kalmus-Zvika_KleinAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of March 7, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BACK IN May, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) gave a huge publicity push to their survey, the “ADL Global 100,” suggesting that “anti-Semitism” was a growing global threat to babies, flowers, and all things bright and beautiful. That was just the first volley in the Jews’ latest scheme — to leverage such scare tactics into the legislation they want; legislation that will take away … Read the rest of this article

American Dissident Voices: America, Race, and Violent Crime

Harvey family; and Dandridge and GrayAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 22, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ONE HORRIFIC SYMPTOM of our dispossession is violent crime, which blights the lives of innocent White Americans every day. One of the most important studies ever published on this subject, “Racial Violence in America,” by writer and researcher Jerry Abbott, is available on the National Vanguard Web site. Much of what I’ll be talking about today is taken from that excellent essay, which includes incontrovertible mathematical and statistical … Read the rest of this article

Newspaper Death Spiral

Washington Post masthead

NEWSPAPER DEATH SPIRAL: Ryan Chittum in the Columbia Journalism Review openly uses those words to describe the recent huge circulation declines of the top 25 major papers, and attributes the Wall Street Journal‘s 1% increase — the lone exception — to the fact that the Journal charges for access to its Web site. Chittum’s recommendation to other papers? Charge for Web access too. Brilliant idea — sure to increase readership all around! Sure, that is, to increase readership … Read the rest of this article

Deprogramming, Portuguese Style

DEPROGRAMMING, PORTUGUESE STYLE: Another site has linked to my main page (thank you!), this one a news portal dedicated to awakening the people of Portugal to the need for racial integrity and cultural survival.

Its title means “Blind, Deaf, and Dumb” in English, which is exactly how the billionaire media elite wants all peoples to be.

The wars which the American sheep are bamboozled into supporting are far more about establishing a “friendly climate” for “foreign investment” (translation: the establishment … Read the rest of this article

No Substitute

NO SUBSTITUTE: This site is my personal site, and isn’t intended to be a substitute for nationalvanguard.org, a project which achieved considerable success in promoting the ideals of self-determination and evolutionary progress widely beyond the bounds of the already-converted. For example, our ‘Net readership regularly exceeded that of the Tampa Tribune, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and many other mid-sized mainstream newspaper sites, not to mention almost always far outstripping the popularity of the main Democratic and Republican Web sites, … Read the rest of this article