Tag Archives: Kevin Alfred Strom

More Evidence of My Innocence

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE IS CURRENTLY an obsessed Internet gossip, famous not only for a fairly literate pro-White science fiction book he wrote a decade ago (which I reviewed positively) but also for the sheer number of his false IDs and conversations with himself in online forums and comment areas, who has been huffing and puffing everywhere he can find a mention of my name and recent work, warning everyone about the extreme danger of “allowing Kevin Strom back … Read the rest of this article

Martin Luther King Article Causes Controversy

School board member and radio station manager attacked by ADL, receives death threats for MLK commentary

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A GUEST EDITORIAL — based largely on my exposé of Martin Luther King — has been airing on Greeley, Colorado’s KELS-FM twice daily in the days leading up to the federal MLK holiday, and the sparks are flying as the Usual Suspects try to get the truth off the air — and punish the man responsible for the broadcast.

Brett … Read the rest of this article

Virtuous Plunder

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A SELF-STYLED economist recently opined that “the redistribution of wealth is the primary job of governments.” And, based on what I hear on the streets of my city, a large number of people agree with him. They actually believe that the purpose of government is to “divvy up” the money and goods, using taxes and giveaways of various sorts, and make sure that everybody gets what’s “fair.”… Read the rest of this article

Perjurer Arrested for Stalking

PERJURER ARRESTED YET AGAIN, THIS TIME FOR STALKING: Elisha Strom, whose perjury assisted the government’s politically-motivated prosecution of me, has been arrested for yet a third time, this time for allegedly stalking a federal agent. She exhibits a pattern of using men and then attempting to get revenge on them in some way, just as she did with the first JTTF agent whom she stalked and now blogs about on her I HEARTE JADE blog. She claims she … Read the rest of this article

Hal Turner: A Special Case

by Kevin Alfred Strom

MUCH HAS BEEN written about the effects of the Hal Turner conviction on what is left of free speech in America. I agree that it will have what lawyers and the cliché-ridden call a “chilling effect.” But so much of what has been written misses the most important fact in the case.

Hal Turner was a fake. A phony.

He was not really a critic of the regime in Washington.… Read the rest of this article

I’m Looking for Work

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LIKE THIS SITE? Let me build one that’s just as nice for you or your organization. Since the government made me a fourth class citizen, it has become very difficult for me to support myself and my three children.

I am skilled in writing, editing, graphics, and publishing (both the print and Web varieties), and I have become quite expert at customizing WordPress to create online magazines, newspapers, and organizational Web sites. If you have … Read the rest of this article