Tag Archives: Kevin A. Strom

Stolen Revilo Oliver Materials Being Flagrantly Sold on Ebay


by E.V. Sutherland

THOUSANDS OF BOOKS and papers belonging to the estate of Professor Revilo P. Oliver were stolen from Kevin Alfred Strom by his ex-wife with the collusion and assistance of the FBI and the “Joint Terrorism Task Force” and are now being flagrantly sold on Ebay by a vendor identifying himself as “Rick Remer” of Wardensville, West Virginia with the Ebay ID of “kaf780.” Kevin Strom, from whom the items were stolen, was chosen by Oliver himself, and … Read the rest of this article

Putin and Snowden

Nixon then and the NSA today

by Kevin Alfred Strom

VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS offered Edward Snowden asylum in Russia only on condition that he stop harming the interests of “our partners,” the US, by continuing to talk. Leaving aside the fact that Snowden may have already done all the significant talking he can do anyway, here are my thoughts:

I do think Putin’s playing a word game here, trying to make it sound like he’s not opposing every move of the Washington regime — which he … Read the rest of this article