Tag Archives: crime

Liar for Hire Says “Diversity Makes Us Safer”

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 5, 2017

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by Kevin Alfred Strom

A TRULY AUDACIOUS liar has told the lie of a lifetime. His name is Michael Males, a writer for the Los Angeles Times, and he takes Jewish money to convince you and your loved ones that you, as White people, are safer in Black ghettos and Mestizo barrios than you are in your own 90 per cent. White home town.… Read the rest of this article

The Wages of Sin

sheila_heatherAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of September 26, 2015

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by Kevin Alfred Strom

SHE BELIEVED, PASSIONATELY, in racial equality — like most White liberals. She worked for Ted Kennedy when she graduated from college in Boston. She was immersed in the work and ideas of Jewish “intellectuals” — working with Studs Terkel and studying under Saul Bellow for several years. She landed a dream job with the book publisher Doubleday, where one of her colleagues was Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. She … Read the rest of this article

Stolen Revilo Oliver Materials Being Flagrantly Sold on Ebay


by E.V. Sutherland

THOUSANDS OF BOOKS and papers belonging to the estate of Professor Revilo P. Oliver were stolen from Kevin Alfred Strom by his ex-wife with the collusion and assistance of the FBI and the “Joint Terrorism Task Force” and are now being flagrantly sold on Ebay by a vendor identifying himself as “Rick Remer” of Wardensville, West Virginia with the Ebay ID of “kaf780.” Kevin Strom, from whom the items were stolen, was chosen by Oliver himself, and … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 2

Racial self-determination is the sane way to organize societies; multiracialism is an irrational quasi-religion and is extremely dangerous.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT IS A MULTIRACIALIST? He’s crazy — I told you that in my last installment. And he’s genocidal. Multiracialists believe that we should incorporate many races into our society, all under one government. Let’s take a brief look at just how crazy that is.

On New Year’s Day, 2006, in broad daylight in an old, established neighborhood … Read the rest of this article

The Only Way to a Better World

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices program of August 7, 1993)

THERE ARE DEEP-ROOTED REASONS for the decline of our nation and civilization, reasons which would be operative even if we had not been subverted from within — and these biological reasons have caused the decline and eventual death of many civilizations before ours. But we now have the power to reverse this decline, a power that previous civilizations did not possess.

Let me read to you from … Read the rest of this article