Tag Archives: blacks

Biological Reality, part 3


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 10, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK, I’m concluding my current three-part series on Black/White racial differences. Africans are so different — genetically, physically, chemically, mentally, and behaviorally — that by any reasonable definition they ought to be considered a separate subspecies, if not species. The differences are so pronounced and so well-documented that they prove beyond any doubt that the writers and academicians and commissars who constantly repeat the empty … Read the rest of this article

Biological Reality, part 2


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 3, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON TODAY’S program, I’m going to continue to bring you the facts about the biological differences between Blacks and other races, which are so many and so evident that any reasonable scientific assessment would categorize sub-Saharan Africans — at the very least — as a separate subspecies. (ILLUSTRATION: The Public School Book Depository of Detroit, Michigan, a nearly all-Black city, as seen in 2007.)

But first let … Read the rest of this article

Falling Apart

American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 23, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS WILLIAM PIERCE warned you in 1970, and as I’ve been warning you for decades, multiracial societies are not healthy societies. They inevitably rend themselves to bloody pieces, killing and torturing uncounted innocents along the way. The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri prove my point. It’s about time we heeded the warnings that the National Alliance — and Nature — are giving us, or our children will Read the rest of this article

James Watson and The Economist magazine

by Kevin Alfred Strom

(sent to the Economist last November 10th but not published)

SIR:  THE AUTHOR of ‘The Nature of Nurture‘ deserves to be fired on the grounds of scientific illiteracy and an egregious lack of journalistic integrity.

He unjustifiably insults James Watson (pictured), the co-discoverer of the DNA double helix, as ‘stupid’ for making the incontrovertibly true assertion that the average intelligence level of Africans differs from that of Europeans. Decades of scientific tests confirm that … Read the rest of this article