Supporting the Only Cause That Really Matters

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 October, 2021
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2021-1002 – As Long as We Are Breathing on This Earth.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LET ME BEGIN today’s show with a notice to National Alliance members. Our monthly printed BULLETIN will be, unavoidably, a bit late this month — the first time, I think, since Will Williams took office as Chairman almost eight years ago that we haven’t got the BULLETIN out in the first week or so of the … Read the rest of this article
American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 6, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. (Henry Ford)
WE National Vanguard writers and editors and most of all readers need to become a team. We are, most of us, too individualistic. We play too much of a lone hand. And that seems to be a characteristic of White people generally. Just look at a map of the world: With … Read the rest of this article
The pointless and often-perverted “entertainment” — and the often-harmful “work” — offered to us by the System are stealing from us the most valuable thing in the Universe. The ultimate sin — a sin against future generations — is to waste our very limited time here on Earth.
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 9, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE NATIONAL OFFICE of the organization that sponsors this program, the National Alliance, recently received the following After-Action Report … Read the rest of this article
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 17, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IT’S GETTING more than a bit Orwellian — and pretty amusing too — to watch the Establishment try to come up with new ways to attack our totally positive and inoffensive Love Your Race fliers. In San Bernardino, California, the police even got in on the act; going from home to to home, removing our literature, thereby violating the law and the Constitution – and their oaths … Read the rest of this article
The National Alliance is now reaching over 160,000 people every month with our message of hope through National Vanguard alone. Will you help us grow?
American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 15, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WE WHITE RACE-THINKERS need to visualize victory. (In the text version of this broadcast I’ve included a large, printable “Victory” poster showing Winged Victory as a goddess upholding our life rune, along with contact information for the National Alliance.) We need … Read the rest of this article
American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 21, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHEN YOU think of Great Britain, what do you think of? The greatest European empire the world has ever seen? The pinnacle of of White artistic achievement, as personified in the sublime painters of the Royal Academy a century or two ago? Shakespeare? Wordsworth? Dante Gabriel Rossetti? Conan Doyle? The great scientists — Maxwell, Newton, Wallace, Darwin? Edward Elgar? The British Museum? Stonehenge? Well, if you thought of … Read the rest of this article