Dissident Defense

DISSIDENT DEFENSE: I’d like to express my gratitude today for the support of the Dissident Defence Network (DDN), which has just published information on my case. This is a new organization dedicated to establishing a support and contact network for persecuted “thought criminals” and whistleblowers of many different backgrounds, nationalities, and political views.

They say “Look at us as the Amnesty International for dissidents and critics of the New World Order system.” Amnesty International is corrupt, according to DDN, … Read the rest of this article

Robin de Ruiter: Banned in France

Author’s conspiracy book banned in France

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HAVING BEEN THROUGH (and ultimately rejected) the “right wing” and conservative movements early in my life, I have seen a great many books purporting to expose political or financial conspiracies. Quite a few are worthless. A significant number of these are so ludicrous as to actually serve the cause of those they ostensibly criticize, who may indeed covertly finance the nuttier tomes. A few are indispensable. Many also fall into … Read the rest of this article

The Anthrax Attacks

ANTHRAX ATTACKS WORTHY OF STUDY: With Rahm Israel Emanuel, son of a member of the violent terrorist group Irgun, now the actual ruler of the United States (with “anti-war” Obama as a figurehead), expect to see a continuation of the Zionist wars in the Middle East, with some withdrawals from already-destroyed Iraq as a cover. One distinct possibility is an engineered or covertly encouraged “terror incident” to stampede ignorant Americans into supporting a new war, this time against … Read the rest of this article

Top UK Aide Arrested for “Anti-Semitism”

TOP UK AIDE ARRESTED FOR “ANTI-SEMITISM”: According to the Qatar Peninsula, a 47-year-old unnamed senior aide to the UK’s foreign Secretary David Miliband has been arrested for shouting words that a hearer characterized as “insults at Jews” while watching television reports of Israel’s attacks on Gaza at a gym last month. The diplomat has been charged with “inciting religious hatred.”

I think it’s time for Britons to carefully review my maxim on rulers.… Read the rest of this article

Voodoo Made Me Do It

VOODOO MADE ME DO IT: According to the New York Daily News, Leatrice Brewer (pictured) admitted she purposely drowned to death her three young children, Jewell, Michael, and Innocent (fathered, apparently, by two different males). Her attorneys had her plead “not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect” since she claims she killed the children to save them from a voodoo hex. The News states “she will be confined to a psychiatric facility instead of prison. Brewer, who … Read the rest of this article

A Lesson From Nature

The threats to American songbirds dramatically illustrate the dire plight of European-Americans.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

published as part of the American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 10, 2005

ONE OF MY small pleasures in life is bird watching, which gives me some peace in this world of constant conflict.

Over the years, I have discovered that there is a great deal to be learned from our avian neighbors, lessons that illustrate the laws of Nature that apply to us … Read the rest of this article

Charles Galton Darwin, Eugenics Advocate

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WAS INTRIGUED and then pleased and then astounded as I listened to National Public Radio yesterday morning. As soon as I switched on my Boston Acoustics radio, I heard the resonant, engaging, elegant, and intelligent words of Charles Galton Darwin — Charles Darwin’s grandson and Francis Galton’s godson and a distinguished scientist in his own right — reading a radio essay that he had recorded in 1953. Amazingly, though he openly stated that improvements in … Read the rest of this article

The Third Renaissance

THE THIRD RENAISSANCE: More thoughts from John Galsworthy; writing in 1911 — near the brink of the Suicide of the West in World War I — he called his age the Third Renaissance:

“I cannot help thinking that historians, looking back from the far future, will record this age as the Third Renaissance. We who are lost in it, working or looking on, can neither tell what we are doing, nor where standing; but we cannot help observing, that, just … Read the rest of this article

Galsworthy’s “The Apple Tree”

GALSWORTHY’S “THE APPLE TREE”: This work by John Galsworthy (pictured) is surely one of the greatest short stories in the English language. It sensitively and artistically delineates the deep feelings, the rapture, the ecstasy, the tragedy, and the compromises and social strictures that surround erotic and romantic love.

I think it also says something new to modern men and women who live in a world of cheapened sex, who may not yet understand how deeply Cupid’s arrow may — and … Read the rest of this article

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