Israel and America Have the Same Problem

White percentage of U.S. population

ISRAEL AND AMERICA HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM: According to physicist and writer James Miller, Israel’s demographic Waterloo is rapidly approaching: Jews will become a minority in the Zionist state by 2016. As Miller notes, ‘Arab-Israelis have 3.1 times the birthrate of Jewish-Israelis. It’s just a matter of time before the so-called “Jewish State” is no more.’ Israeli Jews who see this peril are willing to give up territory to have a more ethnically pure state and assure their survival … Read the rest of this article

UAE Paper Discusses White Decline

Karin Friedemann

UAE PAPER DISCUSSES WHITE DECLINE: The Khaleej Times is an English-language daily published in the United Arab Emirates. Yesterday it published an opinion piece by the prolific ethnically-Jewish Muslim convert Karin Friedemann which gives Professor Kevin MacDonald and Tom Sunic of the Occidental Quarterly some friendly ink. She criticizes Jews for the Bolshevik and other massacres, and also gives some credence to anti-White conspiracy theorizing, as might be fitting for someone associated with the “Green Rainbow Party.”

Ultimately, she blames … Read the rest of this article

Immigration: Not About Race?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHILE I WAS in a restaurant the other day with a few friends and their children, I saw another group enter the establishment and take a table nearby. It was a handsome-looking White family, a father and mother with a teenage son and daughter. I was close enough to hear parts of their conversation.

The father was almost a double for a writer I know personally, a rugged-looking brunet of medium height with piercing eyes and … Read the rest of this article

What is Wealth?

inaugural noteWhat is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004

IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world wracked by environmental destruction, falling standards of living, the despair and desperation of the hopeless, and a decline in the creative spirit that makes all … Read the rest of this article

‘Who Rules America?’ Now in Czech Translation

Zvedavec logo

‘WHO RULES AMERICA?’ IN NEW TRANSLATION: Thanks to the Czech Republic-based newsmagazine Zvedavec, my research report on the near-monopoly media control that prevails in the United States — ‘Who Rules America?’ — is now available in yet another language. Zvedavec looks to be an active site for Czech-speakers, with daily updates and a rich article archive going back ten years.… Read the rest of this article

Amazing Audio Add-Ons for Winamp

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I’VE RECENTLY BEEN EXPERIMENTING with two plugins (for the popular audio player Winamp) which can create superb music mixes for personal listening, and can even form the core of an Internet or over-the-air broadcast station. As many of you know, I’ve been involved with broadcasting and radio in one way or another for four decades now, so these virtual devices really caught my eye.

The first add-on is Sqrsoft’s free Advanced Crossfading (ACF) plugin, which … Read the rest of this article Recovery from Attack

by Kevin Alfred Strom

AS READERS have doubtless noticed, this site has been down for several weeks as we recovered from a malicious hacker attack — and in the process I learned quite a bit about content management systems security, php code, and database management and recovery.

The site is still not fully restored yet, but, as you can see, most of the content is back and we will be making continual improvements, fine-tuning the site’s features, and adding new … Read the rest of this article

Benjamin Freedman Article Creates Interest

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHEN I PUBLISHED an updated and annotated version of Benjamin Freedman’s speech “A Jewish Defector Warns America” a few weeks ago, it generated many hits, links, and comments. Thanks to those who wrote about the improved audio quality over previous incarnations of the sound file (and yes, I do know that there are still a few skips that I couldn’t correct), and also to those who sent in thoughtful remarks about Freedman’s ideas and my criticism … Read the rest of this article

Art Gallery Updated

French depiction of Liberty as a goddess

ART GALLERY UPDATED: [NOTE, MAY 2d, 2009: Presently the gallery is offline, as it was one of my sites defaced by hackers. I am working on restoring it.] My online art gallery has been updated in the last few days, with new entries in Paintings, Sculpture, Portraits, Numismatic and Engraver’s Art, and Personal Photographs. Thanks for all the nice mail I received about the improvements!… Read the rest of this article

A Jewish Defector Warns America

Benjamin Freedman’s warning is one of the most important documents of the 20th century.

by Benjamin H. Freedman

listen to the speech (43 minutes; mp3)

Introductory Note:

Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company.

He broke with organized Jewry after World War II, and … Read the rest of this article

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