Falling Toward Zero

American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 11, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WE STYLE OURSELVES Homo sapiens, from the Latin meaning “wise man,” but this hubristic and grandiose christening of ourselves is either plain wrong — or a thousand years premature.

Dogma and the herd mentality often blind us to glaring, vitally significant truths staring us right in the face.

In the case of our supposedly sapient race, the White race, this is doubly true. Look at … Read the rest of this article

Parasite’s Folly

American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 4, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

DO YOU remember back in the late 1990s the media hullabaloo about a supposed “epidemic” of “Black church burnings” that was supposed to make us all feel ashamed to be White and sway the gullible into “fighting racism” all the harder? Unless you’ve been a long-time reader of National Vanguard and other alternative media, you probably didn’t know that the whole “epidemic” was a hoax perpetrated by Read the rest of this article

The Undiluted Truth: An Interview With Jez Turner, part 2

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 25, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK we continue our interview with the United Kingdom’s Mr. Jez Turner (pictured), the founder of the London Forum and a man not only of words but of action. We left off last week as we were discussing the subject of telling the truth about Jewish power. Listen:… Read the rest of this article

The Undiluted Truth: An Interview With Jez Turner, part 1

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 18, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE WELCOME to our ADV microphones a man who has been much in the news lately, both in his own United Kingdom and in the United States — a man who has been attacked by the enemies of our people and the enemies of free speech for exercising that free speech, and for facilitating the free speech of others: Mr. Jez Turner (pictured). Welcome to the … Read the rest of this article

Time Is Short

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 11, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IMAGINE that you and your family are picnicking at the very center of a high, narrow railroad bridge passing over a rocky river,  and you are picnicking right on the tracks. You’re picnicking right on the tracks because the bridge is so narrow that there’s nowhere else to stand or sit. Never mind for the moment the details of how you were convinced to do such a … Read the rest of this article

Listeners Tell Me

American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 4, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I RECEIVE MANY letters and comments every week, and this week I received one that, while short, made a very important point. A National Vanguard reader going by the name of Tinley wrote in response to an article (about White demographic displacement, and awakening our fellow Whites to their duty) as follows:… Read the rest of this article

William Pierce: Behind The Turner Diaries

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 28, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK I’ll be bringing you news of a new audio book edition of William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries — read by the author himself. I’m a pretty radical thinker, and I was pretty radical already in my late 20s when I first encountered the book — but even I was shocked by the radicalism, the war scenes, the violent action of this book. It’s not a … Read the rest of this article

The Unstoppable Force

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 21, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

JEWS STEAL everything you own and then sell it back to you at interest. As long as you’re the highest bidder, of course. This time they’ve stolen our counter-revolution from us. They’ve stolen our populism. They’ve stolen our people’s energy, energy that should be driving a real resistance to the tyranny that misrules us. Instead of greatness — instead of reclaiming our destiny — we get money-oriented … Read the rest of this article

What We Must Have

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 14, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

EVEN THE WALL won’t be nearly enough — if we ever do get a wall. And “vetting Muslims” — if we ever do start vetting Muslims as Donald Trump once faintly implied that we would — also won’t be nearly enough. In fact, an absolute ban on Muslims and other Middle Easterners and South Asians coming to the United States won’t be enough. A wall a thousand … Read the rest of this article

The Enablers

American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 7, 2017

by Kevin Alfred Strom

UNLESS YOU’VE BEEN under sedation for the past three days, you’ve heard about the kidnapping and torture of a mentally disabled White man by four savage Blacks that just happened in Chicago. We’ve covered the story in detail here on http://nationalvanguard.org — it’s a harsh, powerful lesson for us all, and I’ll tell you more about it in a few moments. But here’s something you may not … Read the rest of this article

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