Category Archives: Marginalia

Notes for readers

The Third Renaissance

THE THIRD RENAISSANCE: More thoughts from John Galsworthy; writing in 1911 — near the brink of the Suicide of the West in World War I — he called his age the Third Renaissance:

“I cannot help thinking that historians, looking back from the far future, will record this age as the Third Renaissance. We who are lost in it, working or looking on, can neither tell what we are doing, nor where standing; but we cannot help observing, that, just … Read the rest of this article

Galsworthy’s “The Apple Tree”

GALSWORTHY’S “THE APPLE TREE”: This work by John Galsworthy (pictured) is surely one of the greatest short stories in the English language. It sensitively and artistically delineates the deep feelings, the rapture, the ecstasy, the tragedy, and the compromises and social strictures that surround erotic and romantic love.

I think it also says something new to modern men and women who live in a world of cheapened sex, who may not yet understand how deeply Cupid’s arrow may — and … Read the rest of this article

Deprogramming, Portuguese Style

DEPROGRAMMING, PORTUGUESE STYLE: Another site has linked to my main page (thank you!), this one a news portal dedicated to awakening the people of Portugal to the need for racial integrity and cultural survival.

Its title means “Blind, Deaf, and Dumb” in English, which is exactly how the billionaire media elite wants all peoples to be.

The wars which the American sheep are bamboozled into supporting are far more about establishing a “friendly climate” for “foreign investment” (translation: the establishment … Read the rest of this article

The Jewish Contribution to ‘Anti-Semitism’

THE JEWISH CONTRIBUTION TO ‘ANTI-SEMITISM’: Pravda online just published a rather even-handed article with that daring title by Dr. Peter Baofu. I applaud their courage in doing so, and they do outshine the nominally American press in many areas, but I wish they would stop damaging their credibility with articles by anti-evolution cranks and junk science essays like “Birds can scan the future,” et cetera.… Read the rest of this article

More White Children

MORE WHITE CHILDREN: According to the Daily Telegraph, encouraging a higher birthrate in his country is Russian President Medvedev’s pet cause. Among other measures, Medvedev (pictured) instituted the “Order of Parental Glory” for Russian families who bring four or more children into the world and provide them with a healthy environment. Russian birthrates grew by 8 per cent. in 2007 and 6 per cent. last year.

Russia has the glory of being a country where the phrase “more children” … Read the rest of this article

I’m Often Misquoted

I’M OFTEN MISQUOTED: Two quotes of mine are often given incorrectly, the first because of imprecise remembrance of a memorable idea, and the second because of a purposely or inadvertently sloppy journalist reporting on my historic trial.

The first is my maxim on the rulers of society, which exists online and in print in a dozen different variations, some of them probably more elegant than my original.

What I said was: “To determine the true rulers of any society, all … Read the rest of this article

Support for Israel mandatory

SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL MANDATORY: According to the Yeshiva University Commentator (which parses Barack Hussein Fetchit’s statements on the Middle East in Talmudic detail), pro-Zionism is for all practical purposes required for all candidates in the US these days, declaring that they all “will declare their undying support for the State of Israel.”… Read the rest of this article

Nietzsche quote banned

NIETZSCHE QUOTE BANNED: At Temple College in Texas the philosopher Nietzsche’s words — Gott ist tot (“God is dead”) — have been ordered removed from literature Professor’s Kerry Laird’s office door because they were called “offensive” by a complainant. As Inside Higher Ed comments, “If quotes that some find offensive can’t be displayed, how many philosophers would be safe to quote on a door at Temple?”

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Not Interested

NOT INTERESTED: Presidential elections in the United States are about as real as WWF wrestling matches — while small details may vary, all the important possibilities are choreographed in advance; all the major candidates (and the major ones are the only ones with a chance, thanks to the media controllers, as Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul well know) have been vetted by our masters beforehand.

Another good analogy is the electoral system in the old Soviet Union. … Read the rest of this article