FREE LAKOTA BANK: Not only have the Lakota tribe declared their independence from the Evil Empire, but now some freedom-minded entrepreneurs there have begun issuing their own currency and offer usury-free banking, lending, and investment instruments. It appears that White Americans who want independence and freedom have a lot to learn from the Lakota — to whom I say more power to you!… Read the rest of this article
Category Archives: Marginalia
Notes for readers
Personal Beauty and Race
PERSONAL BEAUTY AND RACE: Thanks to the Food of Vietnam site for excerpting my article “Beauty, Art, and Race” for their “Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” series on the Westernization of standards of personal beauty in Asia. As they state, huge numbers of Asian men and women undergo painful and risky procedures every year to make their eyes, skin, and even bone structure look more like those of Europeans (click on image above). … Read the rest of this article
Henry Ford Article Reprinted
HENRY FORD ARTICLE REPRINTED: Thanks to Indonesian blogger Mengenai Saya for adding my article, “The Wisdom of Henry Ford” to her online English course. Note, though, that the address mentioned in the reprint is out of date, and anyone wishing to write me should use the “contact” link at the top of this page.
Contrary to the media’s propaganda image, Ford was a gentle man with a philosophical turn of mind, deeply committed to peace and … Read the rest of this article
Perpetual Diversity
PERPETUAL DIVERSITY: Their symbol is Pisa’s leaning tower; one of their slogans is ‘Save Europe’; their staff includes Mrs. Sharity Ross-Petit, a Black woman who leads their Motherland Project, an effort to reclaim the African heritage of her people and get compensation for those who were enslaved — and Bob Hoy, former newspaperman and Reagan appointee, now a top expert on Russia and a leader in bringing understanding between our two countries: They are the Center for Perpetual … Read the rest of this article
French Translation Published
FRENCH TRANSLATION PUBLISHED: Thanks to the 843@rien site for publishing a French translation of my essay Facing Racial Realities, and thanks also to the indefatigable Irmin Vinson for doing the translation.… Read the rest of this article
Art Gallery Restored
ART GALLERY RESTORED: After a too-long absence due to serious damage done by hackers, my art and photography gallery is now back online! Let me know if you experience any glitches or missing images. There are categories for paintings, sculpture, portraits, personal photographs, digital art, and more. It can be accessed using the ‘Art’ link in the menu near the top of this page.… Read the rest of this article
Outrageous Imprisonment
OUTRAGEOUS IMPRISONMENT: Two Britons — Simon Sheppard, a writer and behavioral scientist, and Stephen Whittle, a freelance writer and satirist — languished a year in American jails though they committed no crimes whatever under American law. They fled to the U.S. seeking asylum because they fell afoul of tyrannical anti-free-speech laws in Britain and faced imprisonment merely for expressing their ideas and publishing the ideas of others — such as Robert Crumb cartoons! — on a Web page. If … Read the rest of this article
More War Rumblings
MORE WAR RUMBLINGS: It seems that the oligarchs of the so-called “West” (actually, Russia seems to stand for traditional Western values more than America or the EU does these days) not only want to conquer Iran, but to surround and intimidate Russia as well. According to South Ossetian political scientist Irina Kadzhaev, “Georgia’s war against South Ossetia may easily turn into NATO’s war against Russia. This would be a third world war.” And according to Canadian think tank Global Research… Read the rest of this article
The Four Freedoms?
THE FOUR FREEDOMS?: Corruption rules modern America. It is a truism, mentioned by Mike Gravel among many others, that both parties and their candidates take in considerable sums of money from hedge funds, oil companies, lawyers’ associations, and numerous multinational corporations — to say nothing of the Israel Lobby. But it’s nothing new.
A (much older) friend of mine, who worked for Army intelligence during World War 2, once told me that many Washington insiders routinely referred to FDR’s … Read the rest of this article
Promote Diversity
PROMOTE DIVERSITY: A college student wrote, saying that his teacher (with whom he did not agree!) was saying that interracial marriage “promoted diversity.” How sad. Especially sad since racial mixture doesn’t promote diversity — it destroys it.
It destroys biodiversity just like forcing or encouraging the varieties or subspecies of, say, eagles to live in the same territory and crossbreed would destroy biodiversity.
Just like forcing or encouraging the subspecies of the lovely shell-builders of the genus Murex to interbreed … Read the rest of this article