THANKS TO FREE WEST RADIO: The Web site of investigative journalist Dale Williams and his radio program, Free West Radio, has reprinted some of my articles on Hal Turner and economics and the Middle East. Thanks, Dale! Everyone should check out his site.… Read the rest of this article
Category Archives: Marginalia
Notes for readers
Perjurer Arrested for Stalking
PERJURER ARRESTED YET AGAIN, THIS TIME FOR STALKING: Elisha Strom, whose perjury assisted the government’s politically-motivated prosecution of me, has been arrested for yet a third time, this time for allegedly stalking a federal agent. She exhibits a pattern of using men and then attempting to get revenge on them in some way, just as she did with the first JTTF agent whom she stalked and now blogs about on her I HEARTE JADE blog. She claims she … Read the rest of this article
Ironlight Reprints Articles
IRONLIGHT REPRINTS ARTICLES: I’m grateful that the Ironlight Web site has republished two more of my articles, Four Forces Pushing for War With Iran and The OKC Bombers (Yes, Plural). Ironlight, whose mottos are “Illumination in the Dark Age” and “To Dare is to Know,” has an amazing collection of worthwhile articles and videos available.… Read the rest of this article
Romanian Author Republishes Freedman Piece
ROMANIAN AUTHOR REPUBLISHES FREEDMAN PIECE: The Romanian expatriate and author Dan Culcer has just republished Benjamin Freedman’s A Jewish Defector Warns America, along with my introduction. This was an article I was determined to rescue from the memory hole when I published it some 15 years ago, and I am delighted to see it taking on a life of its own in the (for the most part) still-free digital domain.… Read the rest of this article
Thanks to EU Times
THANKS TO EU TIMES: My thanks go out to the European Union Times, which — alone among important media outlets — spoke out for justice throughout my travails, telling both sides of the story in their news reporting and calling for my release in editorials. They stated “Kevin Alfred Strom is innocent,” saying of me that “he dedicated his life to fighting against pornography, child pornography, rape, murder… How could they even accuse him of such nonsense?” In … Read the rest of this article
Political Prosecution
POLITICAL PROSECUTION: At the urging of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, European-American activist and writer Kevin Alfred Strom is (wrongfully) convicted of possessing eight images of child pornography, based on the testimony of a perjurer who was having a relationship with the JTTF “investigating officer.” Kevin Strom is sentenced to 23 months in prison, most of that in brutal solitary confinement. He is placed under supervision for 15 years. Contrast that with the case of Korean-American “youth leader” … Read the rest of this article
My Work Cited
MY WORK CITED: I’m pleased to note that my essay on the arrest and prosecution of “Russian” oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, “The Khodorkovsky Affair,” has been cited in The Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law.
Gandhi Article Reprinted
GANDHI ARTICLE REPRINTED: My essay on the racial-nationalist views of Mahatma Gandhi has just been republished by Britain’s Historical Review Press. It’s quite an honor to be published alongside such luminaries as H.L. Mencken and Thomas Jefferson.… Read the rest of this article
My Art Site Recognized
MY ART SITE RECOGNIZED: My online art gallery — to which I’ve added quite a bit of content over the last month — has been recognized as being in “impeccable taste” by Leslie H. Higgins, the paleoconservative operator of The Young and Once Good Pundit. Mr. Higgins nevertheless characterizes me as “problematic” and as a “right-winger,” the latter being certainly untrue no matter what you think on the former count. But I don’t mind. Taste, Art, and Beauty matter … Read the rest of this article
Benjamin Freedman Speech Republished
BENJAMIN FREEDMAN SPEECH REPUBLISHED: The Madrid-based Spanish-language site Qbitacora has an English-language annex which has just republished Benjamin H. Freedman’s revelatory speech on Zionism, A Jewish Defector Warns America. Thanks to the folks at Qbit for spreading the word about Freedman’s important work!… Read the rest of this article