Category Archives: Essays

Writings and broadcasts

I Remember Dr. Pierce

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HIS FOOTPATH TO THE HEIGHTS is almost invisible now, overgrown with timothy grass and mountain laurel, tenanted by bees heavy with nectar and pollen instead of by a man heavy with the future.

Morning after morning, for almost two decades, William Luther Pierce would take this path and ascend to the highest point on what he simply called “The Land.” At the summit, he would look out, all the way to the horizon, upon a creamy,

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What Is Fascism?

by James Miller

POLITICAL RADICALS OFTEN SHOUT, “Fascist! Fascist!” at anyone who doesn’t agree with their views. The term is especially popular among college students. But do such people actually know what Fascism is? Have they studied it?

Unfortunately, Fascism has an undeserved bad reputation. Regardless of this reputation, Fascism is a very sensible economic and social ideology. There are a few different “flavors” of Fascism, but basically they all come down to the following.

Fascism is an economic system … Read the rest of this article

It’s the Genes, Stupid

by Kevin Alfred Strom

FROM A DISTANCE, it was a scene of almost inexpressible beauty. Ellen and Roger were driving through the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near the Skyline Drive. The rolling rural Virginia landscape glowed with the warm pollen haze of early spring. A few thousand feet ahead on the narrow two-lane road lay a sleepy village.

“Look at the Civil War memorial and those proud old houses… and at that lovely church steeple,” said Ellen. “I’ll … Read the rest of this article

Network Television: How Far Can They Go?

Here’s a classic satirical look at the network TV schedule a quarter century ago. Except for the names, things haven’t changed much, have they? Let’s petition for reruns of these “classics.”

by Cholly Bilderberger

HERE’S A VERY INSIDE peek at coming attractions on television. Titles and story lines are firm; casting is tentative.

NBC: This troubled network, under the direction of Grant Tinker, is going all out to avoid being third — and a distant third — in the … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 2

Racial self-determination is the sane way to organize societies; multiracialism is an irrational quasi-religion and is extremely dangerous.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHAT IS A MULTIRACIALIST? He’s crazy — I told you that in my last installment. And he’s genocidal. Multiracialists believe that we should incorporate many races into our society, all under one government. Let’s take a brief look at just how crazy that is.

On New Year’s Day, 2006, in broad daylight in an old, established neighborhood … Read the rest of this article

Multiracialists Are Crazy, part 1

by Kevin Alfred Strom

CRAZY PEOPLE say some really funny things, if you like absurd humor. A crazy person may believe that locomotives are actually made out of marshmallows. Or he may think that the only reason we can’t drink bleach without harmful effects is because we haven’t prayed to the right deity in precisely the right manner. And some lunatics are quite intelligent in their way, and may be able to produce creative and internally consistent arguments at some … Read the rest of this article

Conservatism Is Not the Answer

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

AMERICA IS FALLING to the invaders before our eyes. Our borders are open, and a large faction of an ostensibly conservative party wants to open them even further. So do their opponents. Our women and children are increasingly raped, beaten, and killed by non-White gangs, demographic trends forecast the doom of our race, our soldiers have become nothing but enforcers for a criminal foreign state — and yet the people blithely play their ball games, … Read the rest of this article

Immigration: Not About Race?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHILE I WAS in a restaurant the other day with a few friends and their children, I saw another group enter the establishment and take a table nearby. It was a handsome-looking White family, a father and mother with a teenage son and daughter. I was close enough to hear parts of their conversation.

The father was almost a double for a writer I know personally, a rugged-looking brunet of medium height with piercing eyes and … Read the rest of this article

What is Wealth?

inaugural noteWhat is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth?

by Kevin Alfred Strom

based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004

IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world wracked by environmental destruction, falling standards of living, the despair and desperation of the hopeless, and a decline in the creative spirit that makes all … Read the rest of this article