Category Archives: Essays

Writings and broadcasts

The Informed — and the Informers

Abraham RubinAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of February 7, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A JEW recently wrote to National Vanguard, complaining that my programs on Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Island, though accurate,  were nevertheless, as he put it, “anti-Semitic tripe.” He insisted that “I need to lose the Jew hatred” and said that he despised Dershowitz and Epstein himself — and hoped they’d be “put away for 1,000 years.” I think it’s likely that the writer was sincere, though … Read the rest of this article

Jeffrey Epstein: More Light


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 24, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE ARE a lot of names in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book.” Epstein is the billionaire Jewish oligarch who used hundreds of White teen girls, some as young as 12, as sex slaves, and traded their sexual services to the rich and powerful in exchange for who knows what favors — and then claimed the ultimate favor when he was caught: the favor of a … Read the rest of this article

Jeffrey Epstein: The Uncovering

dershowitz_roberts_epsteinAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of January 17, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BACK IN 1999, the maverick Jewish director Stanley Kubrick — who once famously said that “Adolf Hitler got almost everything right” — produced his last film, Eyes Wide Shut, a chilling look into a secret society of elitists and wealthy men, many of them obvious Jews, using young White women as sex slaves on a massive scale, and corrupting or killing anyone who found out about … Read the rest of this article

Biological Reality, part 3


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 10, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK, I’m concluding my current three-part series on Black/White racial differences. Africans are so different — genetically, physically, chemically, mentally, and behaviorally — that by any reasonable definition they ought to be considered a separate subspecies, if not species. The differences are so pronounced and so well-documented that they prove beyond any doubt that the writers and academicians and commissars who constantly repeat the empty slogans … Read the rest of this article

Biological Reality, part 2


American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 3, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON TODAY’S program, I’m going to continue to bring you the facts about the biological differences between Blacks and other races, which are so many and so evident that any reasonable scientific assessment would categorize sub-Saharan Africans — at the very least — as a separate subspecies. (ILLUSTRATION: The Public School Book Depository of Detroit, Michigan, a nearly all-Black city, as seen in 2007.)

But first let … Read the rest of this article

Death in December


American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 20, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TWO WEEKS AGO — just as I was beginning my “Savage Africa” series on this program, and as if to prove my point — a young White woman in Mississippi, one of many like her across this country, lost her life on the altar of racial “equality.”  Jessica Chambers was a vivacious and energetic 19-year-old White woman from Courtland, a small town in Mississippi in Panola County … Read the rest of this article

Savage Africa, part 2

Hinton_Rowan_HelperAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of December 13, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

HINTON ROWAN HELPER (pictured) did a great service for our nation and our people when he collated and collected the relevant works of explorers, scientists, historians, and statesmen on the subject of Africans in their natural state and native habitat — for understanding the true nature of the African is literally of cosmic importance for the future of life on this planet. This is part two of our … Read the rest of this article

Savage Africa, part 1


American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 6, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LESS THAN A WEEK after Ferguson, Missouri was set to flames by lawless, savage Blacks — and law enforcement did essentially nothing about it — just a few miles away in St. Louis proper, a gang of Black “youths” beat a White man to death with a hammer, yelling “f*** White people” and “kill the White people” just before the attack. The victim was Zemir Begic … Read the rest of this article

The Death Funnel


American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 29, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE STATIC crackled on the police radio last Monday night, as Ferguson, Missouri and surrounding areas burned, ravaged by Black rioters and looters. Just barely making it through the noise and the chaos, an officer’s voice could be heard: “We’re in a death funnel…” (ILLUSTRATION: An ironically inappropriate sign lies among the remains of a business after the latest Black riots in Ferguson, Missouri)

For … Read the rest of this article