Category Archives: Essays

Writings and broadcasts

Changing America, part 2

changingAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of January 16, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WE SEE a changing America, an America that is changing for the worse. An America that is getting darker, more dangerous, more corrupt, more degenerate, and sicker with each passing year. We see an America that is no longer fit for our children to live in, an America in which our grandchildren may not even have a future. Dr. William Pierce, the founder of the organization behind this … Read the rest of this article

Changing America, part 1

alightAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of January 9, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN 2002 William Pierce created his first video production, entitled America is a Changing Country. The visual portion of the production was a bit amateurish and now looks quite dated — and we are seeking a video producer to re-make it to a much higher standard of impact and professionalism — but the audio content, Dr. Pierce’s actual words, are of high quality and permanent value. … Read the rest of this article

The Barren Land

suburb_07American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 2, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY I walked, as I do almost every day now, the mile or two to the local grocery store. And I noticed and experienced several things. I live in a suburban area on the outskirts of a nearly all-White city. I have to go through a lot of winding streets before I hit the main avenue where the stores are. So every day I get to see … Read the rest of this article

Mastering Media: American Dissident Voices 24th Anniversary

Kevin_Alfred_Strom_ADV_studio_Mill_Point_WV_199112American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 26, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured in the first ADV studio, The Land, December 1991)

TODAY is the 24th anniversary of this radio program. To celebrate its founding, I am presenting a speech from 1984 that was the precursor to American Dissident Voices.

In 1984 I was a 28-year-old broadcast engineer. I’d been working with Dr. William Pierce, the founder of the Alliance, for two years. I had designed and installed … Read the rest of this article

Solstice 2015

solstice_2015American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 19, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN THE MID-1980s, National Alliance Chairman Dr. William Pierce was arrested and bodily removed from The Land that he had founded. The reason? A woman, a disgruntled ex-employee later discovered to be in the pay of the Alliance’s enemies, had charged him with assault and rape. She had wormed her way into Dr. Pierce’s confidence by volunteering to work as a secretary, had almost immediately tried to … Read the rest of this article

German Flint and German Light

GERMANY-protestAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of December 12, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN GERMANY the sparks of resistance are bursting into flame. Finally, after more than half a century of occupation and submission, Germans are awakening — learning of their imminent peril — and acting. A large part of this awakening can be credited to the hard work and community-building of White activists in Germany over many decades. And part is also due to the acceleration of the Middle … Read the rest of this article

In for the Kill

daily_news_farookAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of December 5, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE JEWISH MEDIA are eager to prevent White Americans from understanding that we are under attack from non-White invaders like Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino killers. This is exemplified by the front page of today’s New York Daily News. The Daily News — which is owned by Jew Mortimer Zuckerman — dredges up photos of four White shooters, two of them certifiable nutcases, and … Read the rest of this article


face_000083x_cropAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of November 28, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)

MY QUOTE about identifying the rulers of society by discovering who it is you’re not permitted to criticize — often falsely attributed to Voltaire — is in the news again, this time in Australia. It seems a politician quoted my statement (placing it over Voltaire’s name instead of mine) and now all his enemies are whooping it up in the media because he was really quoting an … Read the rest of this article

With Eyes Seeking Prey

lloyd-blankfeinSpecial announcement of the National Alliance Radio Network in the second half of the program

American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 21, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE WRITER David Sims put it beautifully when he said recently that “Every race has its peculiarities. Whites have moderately high IQs and their eyes tend to seek the horizon.” Jews, on the other hand, “have high IQs — and their eyes tend to seek out prey.” (ILLUSTRATION: Lloyd Blankfein, Jewish boss … Read the rest of this article

The War in Europe

American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 14, 2015

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IN PARIS, FRANCE, just a few hours ago, and just one day after a video was released by ISIS threatening to bring their war into Europe, a series of coordinated attacks on the White people of that city took place leaving over 150 dead at last count. (ILLUSTRATION: emergency workers and a victim of last night’s Paris attacks being evacuated from the Bataclan theater)

Two bombs were … Read the rest of this article