Category Archives: Essays

Writings and broadcasts

A Solstice Ceremony

American Dissident Voices broadcast of December 17, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE WINTER SOLSTICE arrives in just four days. This time of year, when the Sun ceases its fall and begins to rise again in the southern sky, is sacred to our people. We of European descent are all people of the North — Venice, Italy is further north than Minneapolis, Minnesota — and the fall and rise of the Sun in our December skies has always Read the rest of this article

Trumpery to the Fourth Power

trumpery_to_the_fourth_powerAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of December 3, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS WEEK Donald J. Trump’s rhetoric can be compared to his acts — and his acts not only fall far short of his words, they flatly contradict them. Do you remember his final campaign video? — the one that inspired so many people when he identified some of our people’s enemies — all of them ultra-elite and billionaire Jews? In it, he spoke to the massed crowd … Read the rest of this article

Unspeakable Monsters and Giving Thanks the Right Way

American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 26, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THIS THANKSGIVING weekend, there are four bruised and battered White girls in New York who are giving thanks that they are still alive after being attacked by Blacks in broad daylight on their way home from school. Though there were witnesses aplenty — just a few feet away from the girls as they were being beaten and robbed — no one did anything to help them. Let … Read the rest of this article

A White Workers’ Movement: An Open Letter to Donald Trump, part 1

kas_0001890-x4American Dissident Voices broadcast of November 12, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)


It was White people who elected you.

More specifically, it was White workers who elected you. They gave their votes to you. Now you need to come through for them.

White workers: You know, the people that the “liberal” elites like to sneer at — the people who make the wheels of industry turn and who grow the crops that we and half … Read the rest of this article

Waking Up in a New America

sunrise_usaAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of November 5, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHEN YOU WAKE UP on November 9th, will you be waking up in a new America? Yes you will. Not because “God Emperor Trump” is the savior of the White race. He is not. Not because electoral politics of any kind are the answer to our plight. They are not.… Read the rest of this article

How Can We Stop the Mystery Attacks?

surveillance_video_philadelphia_attacksAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of October 29, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT’S ALL so mysterious. Last week a “group of teenagers” were milling around a Philadelphia-area movie theatre and, for no reason at all, formed into groups of 20 or 30 and began attacking random strangers and beating them within an inch of their lives, stomping on them, covering their bodies with bloody bruises, and leaving them in the streets for dead. (None died, but matters might have … Read the rest of this article

Our Color Revolution

kas_fun_city_20161021_6861American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 22, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

I WENT TO a Donald Trump rally yesterday in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, along with Vanessa Neubauer. It was an interesting experience. I’ve already expressed my reservations about Donald Trump on this program, but I have to say — it’s a pretty amazing feeling to be in a crowd of 10,000 people — 99 per cent. of them White people here in 90 per cent. White Cambria County … Read the rest of this article

Counting Our Friends

national-alliance_winged_victory05The National Alliance is now reaching over 160,000 people every month with our message of hope through National Vanguard alone. Will you help us grow?

American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 15, 2016

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WE WHITE RACE-THINKERS need to visualize victory. (In the text version of this broadcast I’ve included a large, printable “Victory” poster showing Winged Victory as a goddess upholding our life rune, along with contact information for the National Alliance.) We need … Read the rest of this article