All posts by Kevin Alfred Strom

Yapping About Gitmo and Terrorists

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE NEOCON TALK HOSTS like Hannity and Limbaugh and their coevals from the “liberal” side are making a lot of noise about the “terror suspects” who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo without trial and without legitimate charges for nigh onto a decade now.

The Republican shills say “we’ve got to be firm with these terrorists and protect Amurrica!” The Democrat shills claim to stand for the Constitution and “American values” by calling for the closing of … Read the rest of this article

Bankrupting the Country

Dollars Falling from the Sky

BANKRUPTING THE COUNTRY?: Many economists these days are expressing fears that the “stimulus” program and spending sprees of the regime in Washington could lead to severe inflation, “bankrupting the country.” They make a good case, but it’s a little confusing when they refer to bankrupting the country when really they’re referring to bankrupting the government. Bankrupting (and eventually totally discrediting) the government is certainly very bad for the government — but it might end up being very good indeed … Read the rest of this article

Freedom of Association: A Criminal Act?

eeoc logoby Kevin Alfred Strom

IT WAS RECENTLY reported that a London bank had laid off some employees — nothing unusual about that these days. But there was a buzz of discussion about the fact that, horror of horrors, they had supposedly laid off foreign workers in greater proportion than British ones. One writer said that the bank “should be reported to the Equalities Commission.”

One sees the same kind of furor amongst the TV-watchers here in America if a business … Read the rest of this article

Doctor’s Journal Fights Israel Lobby

British Journal of Medicine

DOCTOR’S JOURNAL FIGHTS ISRAEL LOBBY: ‘The British Medical Journal, one of the most respected publications of its kind, has issued a stern editorial complaining about orchestrated campaigns in support of Israel,’ according to Religious Intelligence News. The BMJ also reveals for the first time that in 1981, “when World Medicine, a popular medical magazine, published an article criticising the Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin… the resulting [Jewish] campaign led to the dismissal of Michael O’Donnell as editor … Read the rest of this article

The Disappearing Male

The Disappearing Male

THE DISAPPEARING MALE: According to a recent documentary from the CBC: ‘The male birthrate is on the decline globally – how much are chemicals to blame?… The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male … Read the rest of this article

Torture, Terror, and the Washington Regime

A READER WRITES that, in his opinion, the questions Jesse Ventura asked about waterboarding were the least uncomfortable that could have been asked. And, he adds, we can’t “descend to the moral level” of Saddam Hussein, since we’ve already passed that point:

“Why is the subject of torture being confined to waterboarding? Other forms were used in Iraq, as everyone knows.

“And in terms of increasingly ‘resembling Saddam Hussein,’ he was convicted for the murder of 148 people committed a … Read the rest of this article

The Forgotten Tenth Amendment

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE MAIN DEFENSE the Founders set up to protect Americans from the tyranny of kings — and the tyranny of the majority — was the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It says, in effect, that the central government possesses only those powers expressly granted by the Constitution and no other powers whatever. And that is how it was understood and applied until the second Roosevelt demanded and received Lenin-like economic power (“for our … Read the rest of this article

Jesse Ventura Asks Uncomfortable Questions

Jesse Ventura

JESSE VENTURA ASKS UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS: Former Governor Ventura has managed to ask the obvious questions on the subject of U.S. government torture — questions that should have been asked a long time ago: “If waterboarding is okay, why don’t we let our police do it to suspects to learn what they know?… If waterboarding is okay, why didn’t we waterboard McVeigh and Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved?… We only seem to … Read the rest of this article

Newspaper Death Spiral

Washington Post masthead

NEWSPAPER DEATH SPIRAL: Ryan Chittum in the Columbia Journalism Review openly uses those words to describe the recent huge circulation declines of the top 25 major papers, and attributes the Wall Street Journal‘s 1% increase — the lone exception — to the fact that the Journal charges for access to its Web site. Chittum’s recommendation to other papers? Charge for Web access too. Brilliant idea — sure to increase readership all around! Sure, that is, to increase readership … Read the rest of this article