All posts by Kevin Alfred Strom

The Four Freedoms?

The new four freedoms

THE FOUR FREEDOMS?: Corruption rules modern America. It is a truism, mentioned by Mike Gravel among many others, that both parties and their candidates take in considerable sums of money from hedge funds, oil companies, lawyers’ associations, and numerous multinational corporations — to say nothing of the Israel Lobby. But it’s nothing new.

A (much older) friend of mine, who worked for Army intelligence during World War 2, once told me that many Washington insiders routinely referred to FDR’s … Read the rest of this article

Free Speech and the Constitution

by Kevin Alfred Strom

SOME PEOPLE — most notably lobbyists for the world’s wealthiest ethnic group — would like to see “speech codes,” which make it a punishable offense to criticize persons who belong to certain “protected classes,” enacted into law in the United States.

These pressure groups have already gotten their way in many European countries, and people have gone to jail and had their lives ruined and their families devastated merely for telling the truth as they saw … Read the rest of this article

A Moral Dilemma

Decisionsby Kevin Alfred Strom

WE ARE A SOCIAL species, and no man or woman lives utterly alone and disconnected from his or her fellows. But what do we do when the society we live in does wrong? When it goes so far wrong we find it absolutely morally repugnant? That’s the dilemma posed by a young academic scientist who recently wrote that he loves teaching, but that every university he might work for accepts funding from the federal government, which … Read the rest of this article

Promote Diversity

Shell diversity

PROMOTE DIVERSITY: A college student wrote, saying that his teacher (with whom he did not agree!) was saying that interracial marriage “promoted diversity.” How sad. Especially sad since racial mixture doesn’t promote diversity — it destroys it.

It destroys biodiversity just like forcing or encouraging the varieties or subspecies of, say, eagles to live in the same territory and crossbreed would destroy biodiversity.

Just like forcing or encouraging the subspecies of the lovely shell-builders of the genus Murex to interbreed … Read the rest of this article

USA Now Marxist?

Barack I

USA NOW MARXIST?: I suppose it had to happen sometime after the accession of Barack I, but it’s still an historic moment: a writer on Russia’s Pravda has described the U.S.A. as “Marxist” and called for Russians to rethink their American investments.

Pravda has quite a bit of courage and some good articles these days. Wish they’d do two things, though: 1) put their best material in audio form and start an Internet radio network with licensable hourly newscasts to … Read the rest of this article

Everybody’s a Fascist Now!

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s a fascist!” “Kevin Strom is a fascist!” And then we have that ridiculous neologism “Islamofascism.”

Modern Republicans and Democrats both misuse the term “fascist” — and to such … Read the rest of this article

Local Currencies


LOCAL CURRENCIES: Some communities are partially opting out of the debt-money system that is ruling us, failing us, and taking our wealth. They issue their own currency and back it with goods and services produced locally.

The local-currency movement displays a fascinating set of trends: away from globalization, away from corporate control, away from central government control, away from homogenization, away from commercial banking control over wealth and credit, and away from the appalling unsustainability of credit-money at compound interest.… Read the rest of this article

Liberals Aren’t the Enemy

Fundamentalist Pastor John Hagee at AIPAC rally

LIBERALS AREN’T THE ENEMY: Too many Euro-folk have a habit of describing those who oppose our survival as “liberals.” But some of the most ferocious opponents of our self-determination today call themselves “conservatives” or “fundamentalists.” And it’s a bad idea to alienate those who self-describe as liberals. Many of them are intelligent, highly-evolved White people, with a strong streak of altruism (even if it is misdirected at times). Many of them understand how Zionism has hijacked the U.S. government. They … Read the rest of this article

Jefferson Said it Well

Jefferson nickel close up

JEFFERSON SAID IT WELL: “I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” A single step!… Read the rest of this article

Has Anyone Noticed?

Flag in bloodbath

HAS ANYONE NOTICED?: “Our new president” has dismantled the NSA’s and CIA’s and FBI’s wiretapping and snooping programs… hasn’t he? He’s stopped the wars in the Middle East… right? And lobby groups for special interests like Wall Street and Israel no longer rule Washington… as promised, right?

Sorry, but… those were just more lies. What we have in Washington now is not the legal government of the United States of America. It is an illegal, illegitimate regime. Both ruling parties … Read the rest of this article