All posts by Kevin Alfred Strom

Nietzsche quote banned

NIETZSCHE QUOTE BANNED: At Temple College in Texas the philosopher Nietzsche’s words — Gott ist tot (“God is dead”) — have been ordered removed from literature Professor’s Kerry Laird’s office door because they were called “offensive” by a complainant. As Inside Higher Ed comments, “If quotes that some find offensive can’t be displayed, how many philosophers would be safe to quote on a door at Temple?”

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The Nation as Idea

They want to suppress the idea of racial self-determination because they know it has the power to remake the world.

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 1, 2006)

A NATION FOUNDED on ideas or religion or on geography alone is an artificial construct. It will die when its founding race is replaced, even if it lives on in name only.

It’s like this: If a criminal kills your German shepherd named Rolf and replaces him … Read the rest of this article

Guilt By Association

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A NEW BOOK has just come out which says many of the same things that European and American racial-nationalists have been saying about the Middle East for decades — but this time it comes from someone inside the establishment, and it’s sure to shake up what is left of an independent intellectual class in the US. It’s entitled Guilt By Association and the author is Jeff Gates, who, according to his online biography, “served seven years … Read the rest of this article

Not Interested

NOT INTERESTED: Presidential elections in the United States are about as real as WWF wrestling matches — while small details may vary, all the important possibilities are choreographed in advance; all the major candidates (and the major ones are the only ones with a chance, thanks to the media controllers, as Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul well know) have been vetted by our masters beforehand.

Another good analogy is the electoral system in the old Soviet Union. … Read the rest of this article

No Substitute

NO SUBSTITUTE: This site is my personal site, and isn’t intended to be a substitute for, a project which achieved considerable success in promoting the ideals of self-determination and evolutionary progress widely beyond the bounds of the already-converted. For example, our ‘Net readership regularly exceeded that of the Tampa Tribune, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and many other mid-sized mainstream newspaper sites, not to mention almost always far outstripping the popularity of the main Democratic and Republican Web sites, … Read the rest of this article

Obama’s new name

OBAMA’S NEW NAME: A more appropriate (and more American-sounding) name is Barack Hussein Fetchit. It’s a name he richly deserves for betraying his friend and mentor Jeremiah Wright and everything he once claimed to believe in, when the pressure to conform to the boobs’ expectations became paramount. Contrary to the faux conservatives’ claims, Black separatists, even sub-rosa ones like Wright, are basically good for us all, and Black assimilationists like Fetchit are bad.… Read the rest of this article

Fed reduces rate to 1%

As the BBC says, this means the Fed is now “running out of rates” to boost the economy; of course, they could always go to negative interest rates and toss pre-approved loan applications out of airplanes. Maybe they should take my suggestion: make Monopoly money legal tender — it amounts to the same thing. Time to take a closer look at the crime of fractional reserve banking and the rationality of Social Credit.… Read the rest of this article

Unlikely to be arrested

UNLIKELY TO BE ARRESTED: Even though “Minister King Samir Shabazz” openly calls for the murder of large numbers of White people, there is only a remote possibility of any US government interest in him anytime soon, in contrast to the immediate arrest of the dim-bulb skinhead kids who probably said something like “ummm… OK” when a federal infiltrator suggested that Obama be harmed.… Read the rest of this article

Beauty, Art, and Race

by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 2, 2004)

TODAY I’VE BEEN READING a book entitled Personal Beauty and Racial Betterment. The book is very rare today. It was published in 1920, during that hopeful time when a strong and mostly-healthy America was awakening to the scientific truths about race and the infinite possibilities of racial progress. Knight Dunlap, the author, was a professor of experimental psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and a … Read the rest of this article