All posts by admin
On the Cusp
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 June, 2020 2020-0620 – On the Cusp.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
YESTERDAY, we republished on National Vanguard two very thoughtful essays, one by Giles Corey and the other by Dr. Thomas Dalton, on ways that Whites can move forward in these dangerous and revolutionary times. The National Alliance, the sponsor … Read the rest of this article
Cruelty to Animals: Unacceptable
There’s a Club — and You’re Not a Member
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 June, 2020 2020-0613 – There’s a Club – and You’re Not a Member.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
OUR CITIES are in flames. The Blacks, egged on by the cynical media Jews who are using them, are enraged and mindlessly destroying as is their wont. The communists and crypto-communists have been mobilized by the media Jews and the money Jews, and the chaos re-formed into an attempted revolution. A revolution that they hope will … Read the rest of this article
Join the Liberty Truth Campaign! (part 2)
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 6 June, 2020 2020-0606 – Join the Liberty Truth Campaign! (part 2).mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY we approach again the ominous anniversary of the USS Liberty murders — the day the Jewish power structure’s state of Israel openly slaughtered our American Navy men. Today they still slaughter our people, in only slightly more covert ways. Gather your family — gather your friends — gather your co-workers. Have them listen to this program. Download, … Read the rest of this article
Join the Liberty Truth Campaign!
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 30 May, 2020 2020-0530 – Join the Liberty Truth Campaign!.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
BLAST OPEN the coverup! This week’s program will help you do just that. Today’s subject is going to be longer than usual. I am going to present two programs, this week and next — William Pierce’s hard-hitting essay on the USS Liberty, some facts that have come to light since then, and also information on what you can do… Read the rest of this article
What’s Worth Fighting For
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 May, 2020 2020-0523 – What’s Worth Fighting For.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEKEND marks Memorial Day in the United States. Let us observe a moment of silence for the soldiers in the never-ending War of Terror in the Middle East who died, and who will die tomorrow, believing that they were fighting for their people’s freedom — but who in reality were fighting and dying for their most deadly and unworthy enemies, … Read the rest of this article
They Lust to Rule the World
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 16 May, 2020 2020-0516 – They Lust to Rule the World.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE MEN FLYING THE PLANES were young. Many of them were deeply, even fanatically religious. They came from a foreign country less than a generation ago. They had been taught to hate the government and the policies of the land to which they’d come; hate them with a burning hatred, as if they were the ultimate evil on earth. … Read the rest of this article
Racial Distancing
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 May, 2020 2020-0509 – Racial Distancing.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
A FEW MONTHS AGO my broadcast was titled “Don’t Get Sick,” and it featured our National Alliance Health Warning #1 and Health Warning #2. This week we introduce National Alliance Health Warning #3 — “Racial Distancing.”
The text on our flier reads:… Read the rest of this article
Mary Phagan 107 Years Later: May Your Life Not Be in Vain, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 May, 2020 2020-0502 – Mary Phagan 107 Years Later – May Your Life Not Be in Vain part 2.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
IN LAST WEEK’S broadcast, I spoke to you about the rape and murder of a 13-year-old White girl, Mary Phagan, by Leo Frank, her Jewish employer, in Atlanta, Georgia 107 years ago this week. Now I am going to fill in the details of how the Jewish power structure, in … Read the rest of this article