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The Narrow Bridge

breker_flora-divinitybreker_flora-divinityAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of May 24, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHICH WAY will it be, Western Man? Will it be upward to a future of light, of undreamed-of advances, toward a pinnacle of civilization beyond anything we can imagine, toward a destiny in the stars? Or downward toward a Black abyss, an Afro-world of degradation, of drugged unconsciousness, of weak, undeveloped men on the road to extinction, of outrages upon our women and children?

Today I show you … Read the rest of this article

Telling the Truth


American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 17, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY I’ll speak to you about two very different reports which, despite the intentions of their creators, tell us some very revealing things about the Jewish power structure that currently dominates the West. The first is the worldwide survey called the “ADL Global 100” issued a few days ago by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the purpose of which is to alarm wealthy Jewish … Read the rest of this article

Money, Money, Money


American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 10, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

MONEY IS THE MEANS by which we are enslaved. But not one man in 1,000 knows how it is done. Today I am going to tell you.

There are many half-truths being vended on this topic in the so-called “patriot movement” and conservative and libertarian movements these days.

Conservatives and libertarians bewail the fact that the government spends more than it takes in — and then bridges … Read the rest of this article

The Aborted Apotheosis of Leo Frank, part 2

Leo-Frank-seatedAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of May 3, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

THE 1913 MURDER of child laborer Mary Phagan by her Jewish boss Leo Frank (pictured), which I detailed for you on last week’s program, was clearly established by the evidence and confirmed by every court and every jury which had jurisdiction over the case, including multiple appeals that ultimately ended up — twice — at the Supreme Court of the United States.

In every instance, the evidence … Read the rest of this article

The Aborted Apotheosis of Leo Frank, part 1

Mary PhaganAmerican Dissident Voices broadcast of April 26, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

LEO FRANK was a Jewish sex killer who was president of Atlanta’s B’nai B’rith — and who was re-elected to that post even after his conviction. Frank was tried and found guilty of the strangulation of a 13-year-old White girl who worked for him, Mary Phagan (pictured, artist’s depiction), who died exactly 101 years ago today.

In one of the first visible nationwide efforts of the Jewish power … Read the rest of this article

The Evil Fun House


American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 19, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A WINDOW INTO the strange and sick world of Jewish Hollywood was opened earlier this week when a young man named Michael Egan courageously filed a lawsuit taking on a multimillionaire film mogul and current darling of the media, Jewish film director Bryan Singer. (ILLUSTRATION: Singer, dressed as a priest, at a costume event with young “friends.”)

In his suit, Mr. Egan alleges that Singer — … Read the rest of this article

Behind Every Degenerate


American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 12, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT IS SAID that for every good man there is of necessity a good woman behind him, helping to make his achievements possible. I don’t think there are very many exceptions to that rule. But this week I want to illustrate another rule altogether — a rule not of mutual support and strength in doing right, but a sinister rule that binds those who are doing wrong, … Read the rest of this article

Toeing the Line


American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 5, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

BRENDAN EICH (pictured) is a computer and Internet pioneer. The Web sites that host this radio program use technology that he created. He is a co-founder — and, until a few days ago, the CEO — of Mozilla, the open-source giant that brought us Thunderbird and Firefox among other things. He invented the Javascript programming language. But Brendan Eich was forced to step down as CEO of … Read the rest of this article

Resistance to Jewish Power: Henry Ford, part 2

Independent-American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 29, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE continue our two-part program on Henry Ford’s amazing book, The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem. This book was the product of thousands of man-hours of labor, performed by the best researchers and journalists that the great industrialist was able to recruit. Henry Ford picked these men not for any preconceived opinions they may have had — his chief researcher, William Cameron, originally balked at … Read the rest of this article

Resistance to Jewish Power: Henry Ford, part 1


American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 22, 2014

by Kevin Alfred Strom

IT WAS 20 years ago that I first spoke to you on this program about the efforts of the great industrialist Henry Ford (pictured) to counter Jewish power and propaganda. Ford made a monumental effort, spending and sacrificing millions of real dollars, digging up the facts of organized Jewish influence and publishing the results in his newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, and in his book The International Read the rest of this article