How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2

The parable of Salvation Island continues.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 23, 2018

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY WE CONTINUE with our parable “How They Steal Our Wealth, part 2,” (here’s part 1) which will explain to all who hear it how we have been exploited — and used, essentially like cattle — through manipulation of our money by alien bankers. Listen well, for this parable will help you understand, perhaps for the first time in your life, why our enemies seem to have unlimited funds at their disposal to buy politicians, subvert the judicial process, and own and control the mass media of news and entertainment.

Last week we heard how the five survivors of a shipwreck landed on beautiful Salvation Island, where their skills, coupled with good natural resources, and a simple system of barter made them fairly prosperous. Life was good. But they wanted more. They needed a system of exchange to make transactions easier. That would make them even more prosperous. Luckily for them — or so they thought — a banker, Abraham Glucksterlingmann, landed on their shores, with a knowledge of how to run a money system, a printing press, and a sealed barrel he said was full of gold to “back” their new currency. Listen:

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7. The Secret Burial

Before they went their separate ways for the night, Abraham asked them one last question.

“How much money will you need to begin with in order to facilitate trading?” They looked at one another, then deferentially towards the banker. After a bit of calculation, and with the advice of the kindly financier, they decided that $200 for each of the five working men would do. They agreed to meet the next evening to receive their money.

They parted, exchanging enthusiastic comments. And in spite of the late hour, they spent most of the night lying awake, their imaginations excited by the picture of gold. It was morning before they slept.

As for Abraham, he wasted not a moment. Fatigue was forgotten in the interests of his future as a banker. By dawn’s first light he dug a pit into which he rolled the barrel. He then filled it in, transplanting a small shrub to the spot about which he carefully arranged sod. It was well hidden.

Then he went to work with his little press to turn out a thousand $1 bills. Watching the clean new banknotes come from his press, the emigrant-turned-banker thought to himself, “My, how simple it is to make money. All its value comes from the products it will buy. Without produce, these bills are worthless. My five naive customers don’t realize that. They actually think that this new money derives its value from gold! Their very ignorance makes me the master.”

And as evening drew on, the five came to Abraham. So excited were they, they ran all the way.

8. Who Owns the Money?

Five bundles of new banknotes were sitting on the table.

“Before distributing the money,” said the banker, “I would like your attention.”

“Now, the basis of all money is gold. And the gold stored away in the vault of my bank is my gold. Consequently, the money is my money. Oh! don’t look so discouraged. I’m going to lend you this money and you’re going to use it as you see fit. However, you’ll have to pay interest. Considering that money is scarce here, I don’t think 8% is unreasonable.”

“Oh, that’s quite reasonable, Mr. Abraham.”

“One last point, my friends. Business is business, even between pals. Before you get the money, each of you is going to sign a paper. By it you will bind yourselves to pay both interest and principal under penalty of confiscation of property by me. Oh! this is a mere formality. Your property is of no interest to me. I’m satisfied with money. And I feel sure I’ll get my money and that you’ll keep your property.”

“That makes sense, Mr. Abraham. We’re going to work harder than ever in order to pay you back.”

“That’s the spirit. And any time you have a problem, come and see me. Your banker is your best friend. Now, here’s two hundred dollars for each of you.”

And our five brave fellows went away, their hands full of dollar bills, their heads swimming with the ecstasy of having money.

9. A Problem in Arithmetic

And so Abraham’s money went into circulation on the island. Trade, simplified by money, doubled. Everybody was happy.

And the banker was always greeted with unfailing respect and gratitude.

But now, let’s look in on our little community a few months later . . . Why does Tom, the prospector, look so grave as he sits busily figuring with a pencil and paper? It is because Tom, like the others, had signed an agreement to repay Abraham, in one year’s time, the $200 plus $16 interest. But Tom has only a few dollars in his pocket and the date of payment is near.

For a long time he wrestled with the problem from his own personal point of view, without success. Finally he looked at it from the angle of the little community as a whole.

“Taking into consideration everyone on the island, as a whole,” he mused, “are we even capable of meeting our obligations? Abraham turned out a total of $1000. He’s asking in return $1080 after you add the interest we owe. But even if we bring him every dollar bill on the island, we’ll still be $80 short. Nobody created — or could create — the extra $80. We turn out produce, not dollar bills. So Abraham can take over the entire island since all the inhabitants together can’t pay him back the total amount of principal and interest.

“Even if a few, without any thought for the others, were able to do so, those others would fall. And the turn of the first spared would come eventually. The banker will have everything. We’d better hold a meeting right away and decide what to do about it.”

Tom, with his figures in hand, had no difficulty in proving the situation. All agreed they had been duped by the kindly banker. They decided upon a meeting at Abraham’s.

10. The Benevolent Banker

Abraham guessed what was on their minds but put up his best front. While he listened, the impetuous Frank stated the case for the group.

“How can we pay you $1080 when there is only $1000 on the entire island?”

“That’s the interest, my friends. Hasn’t your rate of production increased?”

“Sure, but the money hasn’t. And it’s money you’re asking for, not our products. You are the only one who can make money. You’ve made only $1000 and yet you ask for $1080. That’s an impossibility!”

“Now listen, fellows. Bankers, for the greater good of the community, always adapt themselves to the conditions of the times. I’m going to require only the interest. Only $80. You will go on holding the capital.”

“Bless you, Mr. Abraham! Are you going to cancel the $200 each of us owes you?”

“Oh no! I’m sorry, but a banker never cancels a debt. You still owe me all the money you borrowed. But you’ll pay me, each year, only the interest. If you meet the interest payments faithfully each year, I won’t push you for the capital. Maybe some won’t be able to repay even the interest because of the money changing hands among you. Well, organize yourselves like a nation. Set up a system of money contributions, what we call taxes. Those who do have more money will be taxed more; the poor will pay less. See to it that you bring me, in one lump sum, the total of the amount of interest and I’ll be satisfied. And your little nation will thrive.”

So our boys left, somewhat pacified — but still dubious.

11. Abraham Glucksterlingmann Exults

Once Abraham was alone, he began to think. Deep in reflection, his thoughts ran thus:

“Business is good. These boys are good workers, but stupid. Their ignorance and naiveté is my strength. They ask for money and I give them the chains of bondage. They give me orchids and I pick their pockets.

“True enough, they could mutiny and throw me into the sea. But pshaw! I have their signatures. They’re good Christians. They’re honest. They’ll honor their pledges. Honest, hardworking people were put into this world to serve men like me.”

“Oh great Rothschild! I feel your banking genius coursing through my entire being! Oh, illustrious master! how right you were when you said: ‘Give me control of a nation’s money and I won’t mind who makes its laws.’ I am the master of Salvation Island because I control its money.

“My soul is drunk with enthusiasm and ambition. I feel I could rule the universe. What I, Abraham Glucksterlingmann, have done here, I can do throughout the entire world. Oh! if only I could get off this island! I know how I could govern the world without wearing a crown.

“My supreme delight would be to promote belief in my wealth-without-working scheme — though of course never calling it that — among the minds of those who lead society; capitalists, industrialists, politicians, reformers, teachers, journalists, — all would praise my system of banking, all would be paid well by me to do so, and all would be my servants. The masses are content to live in slavery when the elite from among them — their overseers — tell them it is right.”

And so the entire philosophy of banking, that spawn of Rothschild, was summed up in the ecstasy of Abraham.

12. The Cost of Living Unbearable

Meanwhile, things went from bad to worse on Salvation Island. Production went up, bartering had dropped to a minimum, but things had started to change. Abraham collected his interest regularly. The others had to think always of setting money aside for him. Thus, money tended to clot instead of circulating freely.

Those who paid the most in taxes complained against those who paid less. They raised the prices of their goods to compensate for this loss. The unfortunate poor who paid no taxes lamented the high cost of living and bought less.

If one took a salaried job with another, he was continually demanding increases in salary in order to meet the mounting cost of living.

Morale was low. The joy went out of life. No one took an interest in his work. Why should he? Produce sold poorly. When they made a sale, they had to pay taxes to Abraham. They went without things. It was a real crisis. And they accused one another of lacking a proper feeling of charity or of being the cause of the high cost of living.

One day, Harry, sitting in his orchard, pondered the situation. He finally arrived at the conclusion that this “progress,” born of a refugee’s money system, had spoiled everything on the island. Unquestionably, all five had their faults; but Abraham’s system seemed to have been specifically designed to bring out the worst in human nature.

Harry decided to demonstrate this to his friends and to unite them for action. He started with Jim, who was not hard to convince. “I’m not a genius,” he said, “but for a long time now there’s been a bad smell about this foreigner’s system.”

One by one they came to the same conclusion and ended by deciding upon another conference with Abraham.

13. Interview with the Enshackler

They met with him. A veritable tempest burst about the ears of the banker.

“Money’s scarce on the island, Abe, because you take it away from us! We pay you and pay you and still owe you as much as at the beginning. We work our heads off! We have the finest land possible and yet we’re worse off than before the day of your arrival. Debts! Debts! up to our necks in debts!”

Abe made a face that he thought was a smile. “Oh! now boys, be reasonable! Your affairs are booming and it’s thanks to me. A good banking system is a country’s best asset. But if it is to work beneficially, you must have faith in the banker. Come to me as you would to a father … is it more money you want? Very well. My barrel of gold is good for many thousands of dollars more. See, I’m going to mortgage your latest acquisitions and lend you another thousand dollars right now.”

“So! Now our debt goes up to $2000! We are going to have twice as much interest to pay for the rest of our lives!”

“Well, yes — but I’ll lend you more whenever the value of your property increases. And you’ll never pay anything but the interest. You’ll lump all your debts into one – what we call a consolidated debt. And you can add to the debt year after year.”

“And raise the taxes year after year?”

“Obviously. But your revenues also increase every year.”

“So then, the more the country develops each year because of our labor, the more the public debt increases!”

“Why of course! Just as it is in America — or in any other part of the civilized world, for that matter. The degree of a country’s civilization is always gauged by the size of its debt to the bankers.”

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Has Abraham managed to mollify the men of Salvation Island? Is the answer to their ever-increasing payments to the man with the hidden barrel of gold to borrow twice as much money from him? Or is there a better way? Does that better way involve Abraham getting wet? — very, very wet?

Be sure to be with us next week to find out, when we’ll continue our story with part 3 of “How They Steal Our Wealth” right here on American Dissident Voices.

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. You can also help us by visiting Make your life count.  Once again, our postal address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.