by Mark Graffis
EDITOR’S NOTE: Being able to score an “A” on this simple quiz should be a requirement before one is permitted to vote in any national election. — Kevin Alfred Strom.
1. In which of these countries are Christians permitted to pray or wear religious symbols in the schools?
A. France
B. United States
C. China
D. Iran
2. In which of these countries do Christians enjoy the most religious freedom?
A. China
B. France
C. United States
D. Iran
3. During the past 20 years, which of these countries’ governments have killed the most civilians of other countries?
A. Syria
B. Iraq
C. Iran
D. United States
4. In which of these countries have the most people died for their religious faith?
A. Syria
B. United States
C. Iran
D. China
5. Which of these countries possesses the least number of weapons mass destruction?
A. United States
B. Britain
C. China
D. Iran
6. Which of these countries possesses the most weapons of mass destruction?
A. Iran
B. China
C. Britain
D. United States
7. Which of these countries does not possess the atomic bomb?
A. United States
B. Britain
C. Israel
D. Iran
8. Which of these countries’ governments is not conducting a campaign of ethnic cleansing?
A. China
B. Sudan
C. Israel
D. Iran
9. Which of these countries’ armed forces have not attacked another country for the past 29 years?
A. United States
B. Israel
C. Britain
D. Iran
10. Which of these countries’ armed forces have not attacked another country during the past year?
A. United States
B. Israel
C. Britain
D. Iran
11. In the past 30 years, which of these countries has killed the most Americans?
A. Syria
B. Pakistan
C. Iran
D. Israel
(The answer to each question is D.)