The pointless and often-perverted “entertainment” — and the often-harmful “work” — offered to us by the System are stealing from us the most valuable thing in the Universe. The ultimate sin — a sin against future generations — is to waste our very limited time here on Earth.
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 9, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE NATIONAL OFFICE of the organization that sponsors this program, the National Alliance, recently received the following After-Action Report (AAR) from a group of National Alliance members and supporters in Tennessee, and it was published a little over a month ago in our print publication, the National Alliance BULLETIN:
I ​enjoyed exercising what is left of our supposed freedom of expression​ ​in this country by​ hosting a​n Alliance “banner drop†over southbound I​nterstate 40​, north of Knoxville​, Tennessee. ​The 5-foot by 10-foot​ banner ​supplied by​ the National Office, supported by a couple of steel rods and hardware from my local hardware store — plus three helpers, some careful planning, and our​ ​simple ​pro-White message — ​​became a big hit, viewed by people in hundreds of cars passing directly under it for twenty minutes or so.
I’d wager​ that drivers started noticing the large blood-red banner a quarter mile away​:​ “It’s great to be White†in large letters with our natall.com Web site address below. ​It generated many positive horn honks, thumbs-up, and enthusiastic waves, with a couple of not-so-pleasant hand gestures thrown in from the expected haters. The drop went off without a hitch​ except we stayed in one spot too long. Knoxville​ ​Police approached us on the bridge and informed us cordially that we shouldn’t hold​ our banner “over a federal interstate​.†​Maybe that’s federal law, maybe not, but we took it to mean we should express our First Amendment rights with banners in the future only over Knoxville municipal streets and Tennessee highways. Lesson learned.
Overall, ​this​ activism was effective, gratifying, and not terribly difficult. I recommend ​other Alliance​ activist​s consider similar drops with professionally designed, National Office-approved banners in their respective areas. Be sure to take photos to memorialize and spread around. — D.S., Tennessee

Professional-quality artwork for having your own “It’s great to be White†banner printed is freely available by clicking at the image at the end of the text version of this broadcast at nationalvanguard.org — and even more National Alliance fliers and graphics can be downloaded at natall.com/fliers (many local and national-chain print shops will do the printing for you).
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THESE ACTIVISTS, who spent some of their time last month alerting other White men and women to the existence of our Alliance, were giving the most precious thing they possess — their time — to their people. And that’s my main subject today: the value of time.
Some people who would never think of borrowing — much less taking — money from you, think nothing at all of presuming to take your time. But while it is possible for money to be paid back, time can never be. Once it is gone, it is gone forever, and however we spent the day, whether we worked toward a worthy goal or expanded our mind — or wasted the day on sordid entertainment or unworthy companions — we are all nevertheless one day closer to the time when we will finally learn the truth about mystery of consciousness which we can never know while we live. Every minute that passes, we are one minute closer to death. Time advances inexorably and never gives a respite. Young or old, we cannot control the rate at which we spend it — but we can control what we spend it on.
Both Marxists and capitalists make money their highest value. What is money, really? It’s what everybody wants more of — so he can buy more things and have others work for him. It’s a symbolic representation of wealth. There was a time when a dollar (or a pound or a franc or whatever) actually represented a fixed amount of precious metal, and so-called “paper money” was really only a promise to pay in metal.

Old paper currency even has printed on it “The United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand twenty dollars,” so you knew that the paper itself was not twenty dollars. Those days are long gone, and the dollar today is just words on a piece of paper, or digital bits recorded on a bank’s hard drive somewhere. It has no more intrinsic value than trading stamps or grocery store coupons. In the final analysis, though, the metal was just a way of keeping bankers and governments honest, and it too was just a symbolic representation that allowed its owner to command the work of others. Without honest men and an honest system, a gold standard would solve nothing.
What makes grocery store coupons have any value at all? It’s the promise of the store to give you something you value when you trade them in. The promise is what makes them good. If you and others believe in the promise and want the goods that are promised, you could even use them as a medium of exchange and a store of value, just like you use dollars.
And dollars are based partly on a promise, too, though it’s really sort of a forced promise. The government promises that they’ll demand money from you from time to time in the form of taxes — and they further promise to accept dollars as payment. So you know the dollars are good for paying that kind of debt, and you know that sooner or later you’ll need some of them when the tax man comes calling.
And the government requires us to accept dollars in payment of any debts owed us. That’s what legal tender laws are all about. So, in effect, the law forces us all to promise that we will accept dollars — meaning, really, that we will perform services or trade valuable things for them. Since we know that everyone has to accept them, that forced promise to accept them makes them good in roughly the same way as the grocery coupons — but on a much larger scale and in a much more coercive way.
This wouldn’t be so bad if the dollar was a real and honest measure of value. If you could be sure that the dollars you saved to retire on would buy the same amount of housing and food and heating oil and clothing — even roughly the same amount — when you did get around to retiring, then maybe their coercive system would at least be honest. But it’s not honest. If it were honest, then the dollar would be like the foot or the inch or the mile or the ounce — an unvarying measure. A ruler made this year is 12 inches long, exactly the same length as one made in 1913. But a dollar today will only buy what less than two cents could buy in 1913. As Edgar Steele and other commentators have pointed out on numerous occasions, prior to 1913, the value of the dollar had remained almost perfectly stable for over a century. Then the Congress gave control of the currency over to a quasi-public consortium of private banks called the Federal Reserve. One of the ostensible purposes of the Federal Reserve Act was to — get this — “stabilize the value of the dollar.”
The dollar which was once a relatively stable store of value — a device, crystallized time as it were, to store the surplus production of hard and creative workers so they and their children could enjoy the fruits of their labors in the future. But over the last century the dollar has become a device for stealing from the trusting, for 98 per cent. of its value has evaporated into the pockets of those who were “in the know” ever since this group of Jews and the political criminals who serve them was given the power to “stabilize” it. In just the last 20 years, fully half of whatever value it still had has disappeared.
So now the value the dollar has is that we all have to serve it — we all have to work for it. We all have to give whatever it is we have to give in exchange for it — usually damned little of it. And that’s where time intersects with money. For we trade our time for money. Money is — or perhaps I should say ought to be — crystallized time. The time you spent in making more than what you needed is converted into money so you and your family can enjoy it later — maybe even after you are dead it can help your great-great-grandchildren, or it can help fund a cause that you believe in. That’s crystallized time, the time that makes up your life, the only time you will ever have. Even though money-getting is crass and dishonest sometimes, especially when the bankers are doing it, when you look at it as the crystallized time of honest men and women, you can see that it really can be a sacred thing. A thing of trust and honor, something not to be taken by tricks or deceit.
When you’re smart the way White people are smart, you produce more than you consume. You produce a lot more than you consume. You develop things like scientific agriculture, mass production, electronic communication and information technology, heating and air conditioning, and modern plumbing and sanitation systems, and one hundred thousand other wonderful things. And then some of these things make you even more productive. You build up surpluses that can be traded for things you want — things that other smart and productive people have produced. But it’s cumbersome to trade crops or computers for automobiles directly, so a medium of exchange that everybody agrees upon is a real convenience. Hence money.
But with the money system we have now, the value of money can be adjusted, and the powers that be almost continually adjust its value downward. The largely Jewish private bankers and other financial vultures do that by creating dollars or dollar equivalents out of nothing, something we are not allowed to do. That way the value of the surplus we have saved is constantly drained off, leaving us far poorer than we would otherwise be, and forcing us to constantly trade our labor of today for the necessities of today — so we can never truly build up the store of wealth that we and our ancestors have earned. They stay in their counting houses and we stay on the treadmill — where we “belong” — forever. That tends to perpetuate the rule of those in power now — and prevent the rise of many newcomers to independent wealth, newcomers who might upset the current power structure.
But the wealth of White Americans isn’t being stolen only by creation and manipulation of the currency.
Our “free trade” policies allow the importation of non-White labor to undersell and put White Americans out of work. They also allow corporations to relocate their factories to Mexico or China, with the result once again that White Americans are put out of work. That’s bad enough, but what is less well known are two hidden effects of these policies.
The cutthroat world of finance capitalism has discovered a way to unearned billions by marking up the ultra-cheap products of Chinese and other non-White laborers by several hundred per cent. and vending them in Walmart and Target and the like to those of you who still have jobs. Our trade deficit with the non-White world is staggering and growing more out of control every day. A trade deficit means that, just as in the case with ‘foreign aid’ and giveaway loan programs, huge numbers of dollars are building up in Asian and other coffers, and they will naturally use those dollars to employ Americans to provide them with goods and services — and land. The trade deficit just keeps hitting record after record. And the System that misrules America has been letting this go on for decades. How much wealth has been transferred away from our people in this manner? — it approaches the incalculable.
Some will argue that the only use for these dollars is to buy American goods and services, so therefore all this trade does is help Americans sell goods that American workers are paid to produce. But that’s a facile and deceptive explanation. All those dollars were in America to begin with. Transferring them to Israel or China or wherever doesn’t make them buy any more than they would have otherwise. That’s just paper shuffling that produces nothing. And no matter how you shuffle the paper, services and real physical goods are transferred over there, the lives of our people are being spent in service to these creditors, and we can never get those minutes and years back again.
What’s really happening here is that, in exchange for cheap, ephemeral consumer items — all of which we are perfectly capable of making right here in America and Europe — we now have to honor these dollar claims and work an ever-increasing percentage of our lives providing what these foreign creditors want.
That is the first hidden effect of free trade, one that no one talks about. And here is the second: As non-Whites replace us here in America, as our workforce darkens and its creativity and productivity drop apace, these foreign creditors will find their dollars are better spent on buying up American land and businesses instead of just buying our products. And do you think either a Republican or Democrat regime will do anything to protect Americans from that? No, America is for sale and on sale cheap, and almost inconceivable amounts of American wealth are going to meeting the demands of these creditors and our own financial parasites instead of building up own people’s wealth and strength, helping our old folks, or ensuring an excellent future for our children. (The System and the Jewish media have made our people so sick that some of us couldn’t even define “us” or “our children” anymore and think that adopting Chinese orphans is a “good” use for their precious lives.)
Well, what kind of future does that promise for your children and grandchildren? It promises doom, that’s what. It promises a future where the remaining productivity and creativity of Whites are harnessed to make a few more billions for the walled-and-gated self-styled elite of disloyal Whites and ethnocentric Jews, with more billions going to the non-Whites through “free trade” and aid programs, to say nothing of the hundreds of billions spent and yet to be spent on the insane war plans of the Jewish supremacists who now command every administration in Washington. And as America becomes less and less White and more and more of a Third World feeding and breeding zone, the comfort and safety that the tremendous productivity of Whites have made for us in North America will start to disappear, along with our liberties. Our children will be serfs in the land of their forefathers.
America is descending toward a future like Calcutta, Mexico City — or New Orleans: rapidly declining in every way, corrupt, savage, bestial, and only brought under a semblance of control by the police state powers of a virtual military dictatorship.
But there is a better way. You all know what that way is. It is to realize, as a people, as a society, that what we are genetically is the basis of all value, all wealth, all morality, and all that is good in this world. It is to realize that we are White people, Europeans, representatives and repositories of the gene patterns which produced the highest culture and the most exalted philosophies and sublime beauty the world has ever seen — with the potential to create a thousand times more than we have so far created, as we continue the pattern that exploded so brightly, like a supernova, in the far southeastern corner of Europe two and half thousand years ago.
It is to realize that this civilization we have crafted with our minds and our hard labor and our blood — this land — this wealth that we have created — this science and this art — are for our people alone, for our children and their descendants alone and we shall not labor for others, nor give them our substance, nor let them into our gates any longer. Our gates are forever closed to them, not out of hatred for them, but out of love for the future that we alone can bring into existence.
Bringing about this revolutionary change in the thinking of our people is the only task worth striving for in these dark days.

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. You can also help us by visiting natall.com/donate. Make your life count. Once again, our postal address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.