American Dissident Voices broadcast of February 10, 2018
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY WE continue our interview with original writer and thinker Jeronimus. His vision, of which we sketched the outline last week, is one of eugenically-selected White families living in an urban enclave, devoting themselves full time, or nearly full time, to their children’s education, and becoming powerful over the generations through ever-increasing intelligence and competence — and eventually retaking the levers of power in our society.
When we left off last week, I was about to broach the question of overcoming the “anti-discrimination” mindset — and statutes — that our enemies have imposed on us. Listen:
KAS:Â So you start with an apartment complex. You raise the kids with a new vision of community. You have a whole new generation of kids, with a new tribe, a new religious vision which has a racial aspect to it. How do you get around all of the laws which have grown up over the last 40 or 50 years that make it illegal to rent only to Whites? Would you somehow not call it “renting”? How Would you get around that?
J: They don’t enforce that sh** anymore. You can get away with so much — if you’re not waving swastika banners and larping, no one’s even going to notice. You’re not going to signal to the outside world, “Hey, we’re White nationalists.” No. You’re just going to be beautiful, smart people participating in the world. If people say, “Hey, you’re one of ‘these things,'” just kind of smile and say, “Whatever.” Act like it’s no big deal.
KAS: I like your optimism, but I think you’d better have some lawyers on staff, Jeronimus.
J: It’s not true. They’re not going to come after you if you do that. You don’t say, “We’re doing the White power compound” — no. You’re just a bunch of people living in a building. They already have that — there’s a thing called the Twelve Tribes cult, and they’re known to be “racist” and they all live together. But they larp pretty hard — I don’t want to larp like that. I want our community to be more about futurism and math and science and technology. I don’t want to look backwards — I want to look forward.
It’s the worst thing — to fear that. In reality, they would have a really hard time proving anything. What are they going to say? — “Oh my God, you people can’t live together”? Freedom of association is pretty important. And freedom of religion. I mean, are monasteries illegal? You can have a religion, and have a bunch of people believing in that religion living in the same building.
KAS: So you have more of an Amish profile than a “racist compound” profile in the community.
J: Right. My experience is that they’re not going to mess with us — as long as we’re not larping. You know what I mean by “larping”?
KAS: Yes — live action role playing, which means wearing uniforms and pretending that you’re part of the past.
J: Yes. American History X-type larping. We don’t do that. You should act like upper class intelligent people; speak multiple languages; you should be useful in the community. So you make yourselves sympathetic people. It’s going to be hard to mess with you that way. That’s your defense, ultimately.
KAS: Somebody is going to have to be saying to some people: We no longer want you in our community. Or: We don’t want you in our community in the first place. And that implies some sort of authority. Have you thought about how that authority would be structured and maintained?
J: It would be like Amish shunning.
KAS: So there would be something like a Council of Elders. I don’t know much about the Amish, but I assume they have elders who lead the community. . . .
J: I don’t know that we have to get into that. It would be more decentralized and casual.
KAS: Initially, the financial angel would have a lot of authority, wouldn’t he?
J: I don’t think we have to micromanage it too much.
KAS: I see. You think once the idea is there, it will just grow spontaneously if you have the right people.
J: I’m confident. If there are some people who want to go away, they can go away. That’s how the Amish do it: If you want to go away, go away. Plenty of them come back.
It’s got to be very much about free will. You can’t be a control freak. You can’t say, “Oh, I’m so afraid you’re going to betray me.” Instead we should say, “This is a better way to live. You can take it or leave it.”
You’ve got to be alpha about it. You can’t be like the guy who says to a girl, “Oh, please be my girlfriend, I wish you would. . .” — no. The man who is respected by women is the one who acts like he doesn’t need any of them.” That applies not just to relationships between men and women, but to humanity in general. You’ve got to have the attitude of “Hey man, you are lucky to be in my club. And if you don’t want to be in it — see you later. It’s okay. Whatever.”
This thing sells itself. You don’t have to be a control freak. You don’t have to worry about councils of elders or anything. This sells itself. People get intuitively what this is going to do for them, once they understand what it is. Who doesn’t want to be superior?
KAS: I’m very impressed with your ability to visualize possible futures that others cannot see. And I almost wonder — is it really wise for us to be talking about this on a publicly available radio show?
J: Oh, I know. You can decide whether you want to put it out there or not. I won’t get mad if you don’t.
KAS: I would hate to see somebody hear the radio show and then start looking for signs that this is being done somewhere — and trying to squash it.
J: Remember the phrase “the revolution will not be televised”?
KAS: Sure.
J: This is not going to be televised or publicized. It’s just going to happen. And it could already be happening.
Do you know what I have accomplished concretely? I have persuaded several people — I’m in my late 40s — and several people are raising their children without TV because of me. I was telling them for years: “Don’t put the kids in front to the TV — don’t put the kids in front of the TV.” I’ve been telling them that since the 90s. And now people who heard me say that over and over again have had kids — and didn’t put their kids in front of the TV. And those kids are really smart. So it’s already happening.
KAS: Wonderful. You’ve changed the world already, just with that. Do you advise them to have no television at all?
J: None. Zero.
KAS: No movies either?
J: With parents on the weekend, for a couple hours, maybe — those old black and white movies. But otherwise definitely not. Have them in the middle of the living room with toys and such. And have them run around outside.
And children need more gregariousness. They need more of a social life. They need more interaction with other kids, and less stimulation from TV and such. They’re overstimulated and undersocialized. They’re lonely and they’re zoned out on video games and TV. That needs to be reversed.
There would definitely be parenting classes. “You’ve got to follow these rules” wouldn’t be the thing — but, before you join the community, you would have to take these classes in parenting. We’d have to know that you’re on board. You’d have to read books and write essays on what you’d learned — to prove that you’re on board with this agenda. Like a college class. You’d have to talk about it intelligently, to show us that you’re going to do this — talk about what you’re going to do.
So, that’s how I would introduce the control: You’d take a year of such classes before you get into the commune.
KAS: Well, once you have the funding available, and you control the disbursement of that funding, you would have the authority to set requirements.
J: Absolutely. Right. You “front load” the control.
Just like with a kid — and here’s a very important idea of mine: Modern american parents have it all backwards: They think, “We’re going to let our kids be idiots until they’re 18, and then we’re going to send them to an expensive college and that’s going to fix them completely. They’ll be ‘college ed-ju-macated’ and be so smart and get a great job” — right? No. You wasted the first 18 years, letting that kid be a TV zombie or a video game zombie. College is not going to fix him.
We’ve got to pay way more attention to our kids at a younger age. And that’s why we can’t send them off to care. Both parents have got to stay home. That will make such a difference.
And we’ve got to train the parents not to have the attitude that “raising my kids is boring.” It’s not. It’s great. I did it. I raised my daughter and it was a lot of fun: We had all kinds of adventures and she was a really good kid. It was great. But then I had to go off to work and send her to day care — and that was a shame. And send her to public schools — and that ruined everything.
So I realized that one thing that would change everything for the better would be both parents staying home. Not just the Mom, but the Dad too.
KAS: How does the community economically support itself if both parents are staying home?
J: There are billionaires out there who could fund fifty families like this, or 100 families. And how many do you need, if each of them has six or seven kids? Now we’re talking 600 or 700 kids. One person with big bucks could easily fund that, sort of like a Universal Basic Income (UBI) thing. And ,maybe we’ll get a UBI — and that itself will make it possible to form an urban commune like that.
KAS: Well, we can hope for that — and we can hope for a financial angel. But what do you do if we don’t get a financial angel and we don’t get a Universal Basic Income? Would you allow some kind of business to be run by the community — something that would absorb, say, not full time, but half the time of a normal work week?
J: Oh, yeah. A convenience store, for example. You could have the kids doing their home schooling in the back of a convenience store. A lot of foreigners do that. A lot of foreigners own businesses, and they home school their kids, or get their kids a decent education — because both parents can stay with the kids when they’re running a convenience store or the like. They have their kids right in the store with them. Which is better than sending them to the damned public schools.
KAS: There have been many studies that have shown that home schooled kids outperform public school kids by a wide margin.
J: Absolutely. And it’s a shame more Americans don’t own those small businesses. We really should. That’s another goal of mine — that we take control of small businesses that are typically owned by foreigners now.
One urban myth is that these foreigners get special loans and tax breaks. I have not found that to be true. But I did find that when someone can flee back to his or her home country — and not be extradited, and with really no consequences — he or she will use that business to steal as much money as possible, to cheat as many people as possible. Then when finally things catch up to such people, they go back to their home country with their loot. They take the money and run. A lot of small businesses in America are run that way. I call it the Foreigner Crime Dividend.
KAS: [laughter] Interesting. You should write an article on that subject alone.
J: I know.
KAS: You also should be creating a presentation — a very impressive four-color booklet or something — that you could send to Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and other White billionaires just on the chance that one of them will say, “This is something I could get behind.”
J: I already wrote to Peter Thiel. He said no.
KAS: Well, okay — don’t stop with him.
J: We’re definitely going to pay attention to the money thing. How can I say it? Money is a technical problem. It’s a technical and information problem. There is definitely money to be made, and there are different ways to make money. You just have to find them.
The best way to find them is intelligence. I was in military intelligence. It’s funny — I learned a lot while I was in it that I didn’t realize until years later. And then I read a lot of true spy memoirs, which are actually very useful; this is definitely not larping. There’s a lot of open source information there on — an approach to life.
I recommend reading The First Directorate by Oleg Kalugin; Spy Handler by Victor Cherkashin; and all the Ostrovsky books – By Way of Deception, The Other Side of Deception, and his novel The Lion of Judah. And the works of Allen Dulles — who was the guy that killed JFK. He wrote The Art of Intelligence. It’s very erudite. He’s a classicist and read Greek and Latin. He had an old school education, like Henry Ford had.
The intelligence perspective is that information is out there and you just have to make yourself available to find it. So what we call White nationalism 1.0 took the military perspective. Think of Glenn Miller — that’s the military model. White nationalism 2.0 says, “Instead of trying to be an army, let’s be an intelligence agency.”
If you’re going to be an intelligence agency, the biggest question is what’s your raison d’être — what’s the point of you existing? What is your mission? The fortunate thing is that we have a mission. And one part of that mission is finding out how to make money. So you take the espionage approach to seeking out this information.
You collect and collate information, and when you find out a way that some are making money, you track down that lead and you interview people. Basically, you do cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropology consists of talking to people and finding out how they live and what they do. And eventually they give you useful ideas — useful trade secrets. The cultural anthropologist and the Human Intelligence case officer do very much the same thing, although with different ends.
And that is how you find out how to make money. You do Human Intelligence. You’re open to meeting people; you meet them and interview them; you talk to them and they will tell you about themselves; and you will get information and connections from them. They become useful to you.
I have a pretty benign view; 1.0 was kind of like, “We’re going to have to kill people; we’re going to have to be violent.” But I think we can just outsmart the bastards. I don’t have violence in my heart so much, because I think we’re going to win without it. If violence is necessary, of course — but I would prefer it not be. But I think we’re going to take this thing — I think they’re going to just give it to us. Because they’re going to give up. They’re going to run out of wind.
They’re going to find that they control a civilization that is too dangerous for them to control anymore. It’ll be too scary. Do you know the cartoon film with Mickey Mouse, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice?
KAS: Yes.
J: He gets the brooms to do his work for him — then the brooms get out of control. That’s where the Jewish elites are. The brooms are getting out of control. And they’re going to want no part of it pretty soon. They’re going to give up and walk away.
KAS: Well, that’s very optimistic. But, you know what, even if they don’t hand us this civilization back on a silver platter, there’s no downside to being in a community, and there’s no downside to being smarter and more beautiful than everyone else.
J: Right. [laughter]
KAS: What you’re visualizing is a similar situation to that of the Rus, who were descended from Norse invaders, were actually asked by the people to be the rulers of Russia.
J: Right. Because things are going to get out of control; the grid’s going to go down; there’s going to be chaos. The people who are the ruling elites now are going to be too scared to keep it going. It’s going to be a force of Nature that’s out of their control. And the really hard men will have to take it all back and put things back in order.
There’s going to be a time of troubles. Like after Ivan IV, Russia died. And there was chaos until the Romanov dynasty appeared around 1608. And Ivan died in 1584, so it lasted a while.
KAS: I’m impressed with your very interesting way of seeing reality, and seeing possible aspects and sides of reality that other people can’t see — or haven’t seen yet. I’m definitely going to continue to explore your ideas, some of which have already been put in written form here on National Vanguard, and I hope we’ll be hearing more from you on American Dissident Voices sometime.
J:Â American Dissident Voices — fantastic. I remember starting to listen to that back in the 90s.
KAS: Yes, we’ve been around for 27 years, approximately. So it’s been more than a quarter century.
J: Since 1991.
KAS: That’s correct — December, 1991.
J: Wow. Well, I am honored to be on American Dissident Voices — thank you very much.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. You can listen to our 24/7 radio network at and read our online magazine, National Vanguard, at To help us, send donations to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. That’s Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. You can also donate by accessing Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.