American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 29, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THIS WEEK is the 104th anniversary of the sex killing of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by Leo M. Frank. A Jew, Leo Frank was the president of the Atlanta branch of the B’nai B’rith, and was also superintendent and part-owner of the National Pencil Company, the sweatshop where little Mary was killed. We’ve discussed this important case before on this program, and some new facts have come to light that deserve public exposure.
The Leo Frank case is important for two reasons: First, because it’s a case — perhaps the first in recent years — in which people on our side, racially conscious Whites with an awareness of the Jewish Question, have been able to make significant headway against the Jewish propaganda juggernaut. Searches on the topic of Frank and his victim Mary Phagan regularly turn up significant numbers of first-page links to truth-telling sites that document the case objectively and present the overwhelming evidence of Frank’s guilt, along with exposés of how Jewish individuals and organizations, and those employed by Jews, have engaged in criminal obstruction of justice and blatant, easily exposed, lying for propaganda purposes. They may have the TV specials, the docudramas, and the newspaper headlines — but we have the facts; we have the in-depth research libraries like http://leofrank.info with reams upon reams of solid documentation which shows the Jews to be what they are.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if our success on the subject of Leo Frank was one reason the Jews at Google have now decided to rig their algorithms to demote “anti-Semitic” search results to hundredth-page oblivion. Just like I once said about Leo Frank’s planting of fake evidence to falsely implicate two Black men in the murder he himself committed: This is not the act of an innocent man. Rigging the algorithms so that exposés of the Jews and their agenda are largely hidden from view is not the act of an innocent group. It is also not the act of a group whose strength is increasing — it’s the act of a criminal gang that greatly fears the exposure of its crimes to the light of day. It’s an act that proves we’re winning.

Second, the Leo Frank case is important because it sheds light on the psychology and the weaknesses of those who are brazenly attempting the genocide of our race.
I was surprised to discover new evidence of this — evidence ignored by mainstream publishers for a century — in a book put out by the Jew-critical Black organization the Nation of Islam Research Group. It’s The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, volume 3: The Leo Frank Case; the Lynching of a Guilty Man and it is well worth reading. It does emphasize what the authors see as the anti-Black bias of the Frank defense team and Southern society in general, but it is competently written and well-researched and does not at all resemble the childish “We Wuz Kangs” literature one expects from Afrocentric groups.
When Leo Frank was convicted of strangling Mary Phagan to death after she refused his sexual advances, a huge nationwide newspaper and magazine campaign was launched by the Jews in an attempt to convince the public that Frank was innocent and deserved a new trial. Even though the South was not “anti-Semitic” — philo-Semitic is more like it, just as today — and even though Leo Frank himself stated that “anti-Semitism” was not the reason he was prosecuted, the alleged Jew-hatred of Southerners became the centerpiece of the propaganda campaign. Jewish writers falsely claimed that anti-Semitic mobs shouted “hang the Jew” and “crack the Jew’s neck” and the like right outside the open courtroom windows, and that the judge and jury were threatened with hanging themselves if they failed to convict Frank. These fake news articles have been quoted and re-quoted and recycled for a hundred years now, and are still all over the controlled media, the latest example being a really ludicrous fake news piece in Salon magazine unironically titled “What the Leo Frank case tells us about the dangers of fake news.”

The head of this propaganda campaign was a Jewish advertising and public relations executive named Albert Lasker. He handled the money-men — Jews like Wall Street financier Jacob Schiff and Julius Rosenwald of Sears — and directed the efforts of innumerable writers, editors, and publishers from those working for small local weeklies to giant metropolitan dailies like Adolph Ochs’ New York Times. Lasker was the head of Lord & Thomas, the largest advertising agency in the world.
Over the next several years, Lasker would run the largest and most sophisticated Jewish disinformation campaign ever seen in America, transforming Leo Frank in the gullible public’s mind from a perverted sex killer of a 13-year-old girl to a noble, innocent martyr and the victim of unreasoning and pervasive Southern hatred of Jews.
That Lasker was a Jewish supremacist is clear. He said
The Jews are a superior people. I have a hard time hiding that; I believe we should be patient with non-Jews…. I deeply believe that no Christian civilization can last that removed from it the Jews. That it is the Jew that brings them the pollen.
Lasker’s campaign was wildly successful in changing the minds of Americans — at least Americans who were far from Atlanta and who had not read the day-to-day reporting on the investigation and trial and so were quite ignorant of the facts of the case. Lasker “sold” the American people on the idea of Southern “anti-Semitism” and the “persecution” of “innocent” Frank — just as he sold millions of Americans on the virtues of smoking Lucky Strike cigarettes.
Later in life, though, Lasker regretted making “Southern anti-Semitism” the focus of his propaganda efforts, since Georgians resented the lie greatly and that may have contributed to a new resentment and distrust of Jews — and to Frank’s lynching itself. He said:
[We] indicted the whole people of Georgia; well, then, as was natural, in any group, you solidify…. We put the whole state of Georgia on trial and we did what is so often done, in the cure that we gave for the disease, we increased the disease.
…I made a great mistake. Georgia, which had kept it quiet, resented the pressure from outsiders…. Yes. I want to make up to Georgia for what I did to them then, because there is where our greatest mistake was when we took and flashed this all over the country.
[What I should have said to the newspapermen was: We] don’t want you to print a word; we want you to tell this to people who have economic connections in Georgia, and we want them to talk to the economic leaders of the South. We want them to go down to Washington and talk to them quietly as if nothing was going on…. If we had done that I think we would have saved the boy’s life, but when we put this tremendous pressure on all of them, the state was indicted and there came a unanimous opinion in Georgia that he was guilty; so I handled it badly…. We didn’t understand the psychology…. The boy was commuted and lynched. I got him lynched instead of hung, that is all that happened.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that such second thoughts indicate that Lasker had a guilty conscience about deceiving the people — on the contrary, his regrets are simply based on his failure to save Frank, the B’nai B’rith president and therefore a representative of Jews generally. Lasker’s lack of conscience and cold, cynical value system is demonstrated in one of his first acts on behalf of Frank’s Jewish supporters: he traveled, along with influential Hearst chain newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane, on a strategy-planning mission to Atlanta to meet the Frank defense team, the prosecution team, and Frank himself. He thought little of Frank and even suspected him of sex perversion based on his appearance and manner — but nevertheless carried through the utterly cynical campaign to make him a martyr. Lasker stated:
[N]either Brisbane nor I liked Frank. From our interviews, we found him a supercilious egotist who was enjoying this notoriety. We took a great prejudice against him and we could see… how it would add to the psychology of those against him who didn’t have an open mind.
Both he and I took a tremendous prejudice against the prisoner [Frank]. Like so many, all this publicity had gone to his head — he became a megalomaniac… So we disliked our principle very much, but we determined in our minds that he was innocent and that this was a big frame-up….
Later, Lasker and Brisbane met with detective William J. Burns and Atlanta Georgian editor Keats Speed and together interviewed Frank. Lasker privately stated of this meeting:
It was very hard for us to be fair to him, he [Frank] impressed us as a sexual pervert.
Keats Speed described Lasker’s reaction after the interview with Frank:
And when we got out and started down the courthouse steps — Lasker hated him — he said [of Frank], “Well, I hope he gets out… and when he gets out I hope he slips on a banana peel and breaks his neck.”
The quotes from Lasker can be found in private letters, interviews, and in his biography, The Man Who Sold America.
So there you have it. The Jewish boss of the campaign to exonerate Frank in the public’s mind was disgusted by Frank, thought him a sexual pervert (and likely a murderer), but nevertheless, in loyalty to his tribe, “determined in his mind that he was innocent” and cynically pushed the image of Frank as a martyr to evil White bigotry, “bigotry” which Lasker well knew never existed. Can you bring to mind any person of your acquaintance who more thoroughly embodies living a lie?
One of the largest and most influential Jewish groups in America, the Anti-Defamation League, or “ADL,” began its first operations as a part of the campaign to exonerate Frank. The Jews of the ADL have been living a lie, too, since they are one of the most prominent portrayers of Frank as an innocent martyr and of the White people of Georgia as vicious, unreasoning haters — yet an investigative report on the Frank case which was commissioned by the ADL itself in 1953, and never made public, indicates clearly that Frank was a liar.
The report, titled “Anti-Semitism and the Leo M. Frank Case,” was prepared by DeWitt H. Roberts and can be found in the American Jewish Archives in Cinncinnati, Ohio, under item number SC-3576.
Roberts said of Frank’s own testimony that it was “marked by factual error” and that it — not “anti-Semitism” — “completed the case against him” in the minds of the jury:
His four-hour appearance on the witness stand was disingenuous in the extreme…. It’s doubtful he persuaded anyone… that he was guiltless. Indeed, the more probable reactions were suspicion and disbelief.
Roberts reported to the ADL that — except for the family and friends of Frank — even the Jews of Atlanta largely believed Frank to be guilty before and during his trial, changing their position only after Lasker’s massive propaganda campaign had begun:
Apparently, except for close personal associates, his family and in-laws, Herbert Haas, some members of the Journal staff… and Rabbi Marx, no one believed Frank innocent until after his conviction.
I dedicate this program to the memory of Mary Phagan, who was lured to her death in the bowels of Leo Frank’s sweatshop 104 years ago this week. May her spirit live among us today and every day for the rest of our lives, inspiring us to expose the people of the lie who knowingly and with malice aforethought venerate her murderer and viciously defame the White people of Georgia, and whose inhuman and quintessentially evil goal is the genocide of our race.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. We need your help to continue. Please send the largest contribution you can afford to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Make your life count. You can also help us by visiting natall.com/donate. Once again, our postal address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you: When you look at the night sky, think of ORION — Our Race Is Our Nation.