PERPETUAL DIVERSITY: Their symbol is Pisa’s leaning tower; one of their slogans is ‘Save Europe’; their staff includes Mrs. Sharity Ross-Petit, a Black woman who leads their Motherland Project, an effort to reclaim the African heritage of her people and get compensation for those who were enslaved — and Bob Hoy, former newspaperman and Reagan appointee, now a top expert on Russia and a leader in bringing understanding between our two countries: They are the Center for Perpetual … Read the rest of this article
Tag Archives: White Nationalism
Kevin Alfred Strom’s Address to the Court
Kevin Alfred Strom is absolutely innocent of any crime against children or anyone else. He has paid a heavy price for his advocacy of self-determination for his people.
An executive summary of the facts of this case is available in our Fast Facts You Need to Know section of this site.
given at Federal District Court, Charlottesville, Virginia on April 21, 2008; with annotations
MY NAME is Kevin Alfred Strom. I have been in solitary … Read the rest of this article
No Substitute
NO SUBSTITUTE: This site is my personal site, and isn’t intended to be a substitute for, a project which achieved considerable success in promoting the ideals of self-determination and evolutionary progress widely beyond the bounds of the already-converted. For example, our ‘Net readership regularly exceeded that of the Tampa Tribune, the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and many other mid-sized mainstream newspaper sites, not to mention almost always far outstripping the popularity of the main Democratic and Republican Web sites, … Read the rest of this article