American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 15, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
ONCE someone asked me what my purpose in life was. I answered, somewhat flippantly, that it was my lifetime duty to show White people that almost everything they have been taught for their entire lives is the opposite of true and the opposite of moral — especially those things that they were told were sacred and holy. Perhaps that was a slight exaggeration. But it is true that we Whites are being attacked by an enemy whose main weapons are deceit and trickery. We have absorbed so many deliberately implanted delusions that we lie crippled on a battlefield where we could be easily victorious. Let’s crush some of those delusions today.
Delusion A: Racial mixing is the inevitable trend of the future and of Nature.
The massive, trillion-dollar, decades-long propaganda campaign in favor of racial mixing (that tries to convince us that it’s “immoral” to value the survival of one’s own race) has had an effect, true. It’s reduced the percentage of, for example, Whites who marry within their own race to around 90 per cent., down from 99 per cent. That’s a very bad thing, I admit.
But there’s no guarantee that this trend will continue: 1) It’s highly artificial, forced upon us through increasingly-distrusted mass media and other faceless institutions controlled by the increasingly-distrusted Jews; and 2) wake-up calls like Ferguson and Baltimore show us how phony and onionskin-thin the veneer of “racial harmony” really is.
Most importantly, though, it goes against Nature’s long-term trend. Look at this chart of the genetic distance between different human groups, based on the work of Cavalli-Sforza:
The interesting thing about what Cavalli-Sforza et al. found out (despite themselves, considering their PC political views), is that race is real, that the White race is one, and that the major races cluster genetically just about exactly the way our souls and instincts have been telling us they do all along.
As you can see from the graph, the European peoples are almost alone in a corner by themselves, close to some closely related Caucasian ethnicities, with the North Asians and South Asians and Africans in distinct and separate clusters in widely separated parts of the graph.
Also interesting about the graph of relative genetic distance is the fact the center, what one would consider the nominally “average” part of the graph, is nearly empty, while the periphery or edge area of the graph is relatively full — making the genetic distance graph look something like a graph of the expanding Universe. The picture painted is not one of panmixia, but of races evolving away from each other, away from the average or center, becoming more diverse in the true sense of the word, more different as time goes on. This, too, is in accord with both common-sense observation and the laws of evolution, which posit racial divergence and separation as stages through which every life form has passed innumerable times as it evolves, stages that necessarily precede speciation. Therefore racial separation is one of the very engines of Life itself. Neither evolution — nor any kind of life — could exist without it.
This ever-increasing separation is the true trend, the long-term trend. I believe it will inevitably prevail. And there’s nothing “wrong” or “immoral” — or even undesirable — about it. This long-term trend is very unlikely to be derailed by some Jewish liars who own TV networks.
Delusion B: Race isn’t real in human beings; it’s a social construction.
Race is real, all the verbiage of the multiracialists notwithstanding. It is their verbiage which is a “social construction.”
No one denies that race is real among lions and lemurs, gazelles — and even grasses. It is only among humans that race is denied. That’s beyond preposterous, and it will not hold.
Race cannot be a social construct because the existence of race preceded the existence of human society — or any society, for that matter. It pre-existed consciousness.
There is a tiny grain of truth, though, contained within the obvious lie that “race is a social construct,” and that is that races are self-defining entities. By recognizing the visual, chemical, behavioral, and other signs of genetic similarity or dissimilarity, living things set their own boundaries as to what is “my kind” and “not my kind.” And that is how evolution progresses. All living beings (even non-conscious living beings) set such boundaries — and it is not only not “evil” to do so — it is necessary to do so.
Delusion C: We’re all mixed; we all come from Africa; no one is pure.
A reader named Aubrey wrote to chastise me on my “racism,” telling me: “There’s no such thing as ‘pure White’ — unless you’re from some heretofore unknown branch of humanity that didn’t evolve in Africa, you’ve got some color in you somewhere down the line. We all do. That’s why racism is stupid, because if you go back far enough, the colors blend for everyone.”
In a sense, he was right — but he didn’t understand the full meaning of his own words. Race-formation — and evolution itself — is a kind of branching process, with all living things having common roots if you go back far enough.
If you go back just a few dozen generations, Leonardo da Vinci and Leonardo di Caprio have a common ancestor. And if you go back a sufficient number of millennia, so do Leonardo da Vinci and Koko the Chimp. For that matter, throw in some hundreds of millions of years, so do you and your guinea pig — and the lettuce the guinea pig is munching on.
Racial differences, which are just as real as the molecular differences between elements, are not a matter of “purity” based on an unchanging past. They are, instead, based on natural variations that increase over time — based on living beings becoming more and more different as time goes on; more “pure,” if you will, the farther you go into the future. Racial purity is something that’s increasing, something that gets closer and closer every day, something that partakes of the future, not the past.
I want you to take another look at that genetic distance chart from Cavalli-Sforza. Look at the genetic distances between races — and be aware that those distances were once zero, and think well on that fact.
Evolution is a branching process in which the distinctiveness of the branches increases as time goes on. “Racial purity” is real, but it isn’t what our grandfathers thought it was (though they were right that it’s important) — it’s something that we are evolving toward, becoming more different as time goes on. Racial mixing is therefore anti-evolutionary — anti-life.
All evolution — and I do mean all, from that of planarian worms to Tycho Brahe to the yellow wheat waving in the wind — results from small local variations eventually developing into races and subspecies, which themselves eventually branch off to form new species.
Life itself could not have developed without this process. So this process — which necessarily entails racial separation — is good, even sacred.
Without racial variation, and racial separation, evolution is impossible. The assertion that “race does not exist” requires us therefore to believe that evolution has somehow magically and permanently stopped, just for human beings — a claim quite on a par with belief in goblins or the Rapture, and Charles Fourier’s delusion that if his social ideas were adopted, the oceans would turn to lemonade.
Delusion D: Since there is more variation within a race than between races, race isn’t real and is of no biological significance.
The idea that “race doesn’t exist” because there is more variation within a race than, on average, between races is just verbal trickery with no scientific significance whatever.
Consider this: There is more variation within the category “trees” — think a bonsai seedling compared to a giant redwood — than there is, on average, between trees and tumbleweed. But, I assure you, trees and tumbleweed can definitely be told apart — and they are most certainly not the same thing.
Despite the largely necessary and beneficial genetic diversity within our race, human beings do not evolve as isolated individuals but as groups — as races. It is the average differences between these races that have significance as to the kind of societies each will build, and what those societies will be capable of. Remarkable outliers — something that every race has — that numerically dwarf those average differences actually don’t matter much. Mogadishu is the way it is despite the probable presence of a microscopic number of 120-IQ Somalis. They simply don’t matter. And just because there are some White cretins living in the vicinity of Cape Canaveral doesn’t affect the ability of NASA to launch advanced satellites. It is the average differences between the races which built them that make Mogadishu so much different from Cape Canaveral — even though the construction of both, it must be admitted, depends on the upper end of their respective bell curves.
Delusion E: We’re all mixed with Neanderthals, so racial mixing is good.
Evidence indicates that ancient Eurasians — before anything like our race existed — did hybridize with Neanderthals; and that ancient Africans hybridized with Homo erectus. This hybridization indicates that Africans and Eurasians were quite different from each other already, before the hybridization—but not too different from the ones they hybridized with.
Neanderthals and early Eurasians may not have considered themselves separate races any more than Welshman and Finns do now. Likewise, ancient proto-Blacks and Erectus may have been similar enough to the point that they saw more kinship than difference. We just don’t know for certain yet, and both research and debates are still ongoing.
Most important is the fact that Europeans and Asians today have far, far less genetic diversity than Africans. This means that we went through an extremely severe, catastrophic, near-extinction event that Blacks did not go through. This event evidently drastically increased the intelligence and evolutionary grade of the population. That’s what’s significant.
Delusion F: Only blonde/blue northwest Europeans are the true Whites; only Mediterraneans are the true Whites; etc., etc.
This delusion has so many variations that I don’t have time to list them all: variations that reject Slavs; variations that reject anyone except Germanics and Slavs; variations that accept all western Europeans, north and south, but reject eastern Europeans — it never ends.
The racial division we should regard as most significant for our identity is not blond/blue vs. everyone else — or Mediterraneans vs. everyone else — or any of the other variations I cited. The significant racial division is what the common sense and instincts of most of us tells us it is — and what practical reality demands that we recognize: It is White Europeans vs. everyone else. The European race is essentially one, and is seen, correctly, as such by our enemies. The subracial obsession is not good for our survival. I have three children: two are blond/blue, the other is brunet/brown. All three are members of the same race and, like all siblings, and share nearly all of their genes with each other. They are as closely related to each other as anyone except a twin can possibly be. It would be quite an experience to show separate photographs of them to one of these subracially obsessed people and have him or her tell me which ones belonged to our race and which didn’t. They belong to the same race. It would be lunacy to believe otherwise.
The simple fact is this: There is a recognizable race that has arisen in Europe, and it is what it is. Could every nationality that is a part of it use a healthy dose of eugenics? Of course. Are there good reasons for keeping our local variations and cultures? Of course. Should any of this stop us from uniting as one to secure our racial survival? Of course not.
The only thing that matters is the survival of the White race. Some members of one White ethnicity moving to another White country has only a slightly higher level of importance as some cousins moving in. Becoming Black or Arab genetically, on the other hand, is a matter of genocide and is of cosmic importance for the future of Life in the Universe.
The White race of the future will, in my view, consist of the descendants of those Whites who have what it takes to defeat the enemy. Nothing else matters.
Delusion G: Islam is the problem, race is a distraction.
We need to focus on race, not religion: Islam is just a tool of Semitic tribes who want to kill us and take everything we have — as is Judaism.
Ban the religion and many of them will just abandon it so they can stay, and the rest, in a few decades, will find a new means of fighting and invading us. Or they’ll give it a new name — or create a distinctive new White-hating sect of Christianity.
Ban Islam and there still are millions of non-Whites surging across our borders and hundreds of millions more who want to do so, and Islam has nothing to do with it.
We face a racial crisis. The reason we must exclude these people is because they are not White. That must be what we say as we awaken our kinsmen. Anything else is suicide.
Delusion H: Trump will fix race relations in this country and Blacks and Mestizos and the rest will become “good Americans.”
“Fix race relations”? No, they can’t be fixed. And the question itself is so ignorant it beggars the imagination — why would we want “race relations” “fixed”? That assumes we want to continue living in a multiracial society, which is exactly what we can’t do if we intend to survive. If the last fifty years have taught us anything, it’s that two (or more) vastly different races should never try to live in the same society and under the same government — their values, attitudes, mores, and cultures are too different. Both sides feel aggrieved, and both are right. Let each people rule itself. Let each race have its own society. Only genocidal murderers of entire peoples would oppose such a thing.
I could devote an entire series of programs on the almost unbelievable ignorance of those who think that flag-waving Trumpery and conservatism are a solution to anything — and I probably will.
Beautiful souls, beautiful faces, healthy bodies, brilliant minds — whatever promotes the ascendance of these among our people is good. The money-gorged bloodworms who now misrule us — and who own Trump — have given us the opposite.
Join the National Alliance. Work with us to bring the beautiful truth and a beautiful future to our people. Let’s keep on crushing the delusions that keep our folk in slavery.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. The National Alliance is working to educate White men and women around the world as to the nature of the reality we must face — and organizing our people to ensure our survival and advancement. To help us, send donations to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA or visit To order books and CDs from National Alliance books, visit and for free fliers to spread the truth in your community, visit Once again, our postal address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.